UMUC Excel Project 1 ? MS Excel (Fall 2018)



Excel Project 1 ? MS Excel

(Fall 2018)

Use the following project
description to complete this activity (all the details are included in this
document, in the 22 steps below). For a review of the rubric used in grading
this exercise, click on the Assignments tab, then on the title “Excel
Project 1.” Click on Show Rubrics if the rubric is not already displayed.


Create a Microsoft Excel
workbook with four worksheets that provides extensive use of Excel capabilities
including charting, and written analysis and recommendations in support of a
business enterprise.

A large rental car company has two metropolitan
locations, one at the airport and another centrally located in downtown. It has
been operating since 2015 and each location summarizes its car rental revenue
quarterly. Both locations rent four classes of cars: economy, premium, hybrid,
SUV. Rental revenue is maintained separately for the four classes of rental

The data for this case
resides in the file fall2018rentalcars.txt
and can be downloaded by clicking on the Assignments tab, then on the data file
name. It is a text file (with the file type .txt).

Do notcreate your own data. You must use the data
provided andonlythe data provided.

Default Formatting. All labels, text, and numbers will be Arial 10,
There will be $ and comma and decimal point variations for numeric data, but
Arial 10 will be the default font and font size.


Note: Tutorials
that address activities used in this project have been assigned in Week 1, 2 and






Open Excel and save a blank
workbook with the following name:

a. ?Student?s First InitialLast
Name Excel Project 1? Example: JSmith Excel Project 1.

b. Set Page Layout Orientation to Landscape.

Change the name of the worksheet to Analysis by.

In the Analysis

a. Beginning in Row 1, enter the
four labels in column A(one label per row) in the following
order:Name:, Class/Section:,
Project:, Date Due:

b. Place a blank row between
each label. Please note the colon :
after each label.

c. Align the labels to the right side in the cells

It may be necessary to adjust
the column width so the four labels are clearly visible within Column A (not
extending into Column B).


Use Print Preview to review
how the first worksheet would print.

Format for
column A:

Arial 10


Right-align all four labels in the cells






In the Analysis
worksheet with all entries in column

for column C:

Enter the appropriate values for your Name (in cell


Arial 10 point

C1), Class and Section, Project, Date Due



from the appropriate label in column A.


Left-align all four

b. Use
the formatting in the Comments
column (to the

values in the cells


It may be necessary to adjust
the column width so the four labels are clearly visible and are clearly visible
within Column C (not extending into Column D).

a. Create new worksheets: Data, Sorted,and Airport.

Upon completion, there should
be Analysis by as well as the three
newly created worksheets.

b. Delete any other worksheets.



Note: The three new worksheets might not have Arial 10 point as the
default type so it may be necessary to change the font and point to Arial 10
for the new worksheets.

If necessary, reorder the four worksheets so
they are in the following order: Analysis
by, Data, Sorted, Airport.

clicking on the blank cell A1 (to select it) in the Data worksheet, import the text file fall2018rentalcars.txt into the Data worksheet. The data should begin in Column A, Row 1.

Though the intent is to import the text file
into the Data worksheet, sometimes when text data is imported into a worksheet,
a new worksheet is created. If this happens, delete the blank Data worksheet,
and then rename the new worksheet which HAS the recently imported data as ?Data.?
It may be necessary to change Revenue data to Currency format ($ and comma
(thousands separators)) with NO decimal points, and to change NumCars data to number format, with NO decimal points, but with thecomma (thousands separator) because of the import operation.

This may or may
not occur, but in case it does it needs to be corrected. Adjust all column
widths so there is no data or column header truncation.


all data (field names, data
text, and data numbers)

Arial 10 point.

The field names should be in
the top row of the worksheet with the data directly under it in rows. This
action may not be necessary as this is part of the Excel table creation
process. The data should begin in column A.




In the Data worksheet:

a. Create an Excel table with the recently imported data.

b. Pick a style with the styles
group to format the table (choose a style that shows banded rows, i.e., rows
that alternate between 2 colors).

c. The style should highlight
the field names in the first row.

d. Ensure NO blank cells are
part of the specified data range.

e. Ensure the table has headers.

f. Ensure that Header Row and
Banded Rows are selected in the Table Style Options Group Box, but do NOT
select a Total row.

In the Data worksheet:


Some adjustment may be
necessary to column widths to ensure all field names and all data are readable
(not truncated or obscured).



a. Select the entire table (data
and headers) using a mouse.

b. Copy the table to the Sorted worksheet.

c. The upper left-hand corner of
the header/data in Sorted should be
in cell A1.

d. Adjust columns widths if
necessary to ensure all data and field names are readable.

e. Make sure that all the format
requirements for the Data Worksheet are met in the Sorted Worksheet

In the Sorted worksheet:

a. Select all the cells with
data in the table (including the header row.

b. Sort the data by location (ascending).

Ensure all the table
is selected, NOT just the location column.


All data (field names, data
text, and data numbers)

Arial 10 point.




a. Copy the entire table from the Sorted worksheet to the Airport worksheet. In the Airport
worksheet, the field names should be in row 1 and the Year column should be in
column A.

b. Some column adjustments may
be necessary so that the field names as well as the data is all legible.

c. Make sure that the same
format requirements for the Data Worksheet are met in the Airport Worksheet.


Ensure all cells with data
are selected.


All data (field names, data
text, and data numbers)

Arial 10 point.




In the Airport worksheet:

a. Delete all the rows in the
table where the data is for Downtown.

b. The field names should remain at the top of the

c. The remaining data should be for the Airport

In the Airport worksheet,
using a custom sort:

a. Sort all the data first by CarClass (Ascending),

b. thenby
Year (Ascending),

c. thenby Quarter (Ascending).

In the Airport worksheet:

a. Add a new column heading
AvgRev for the column where the average revenue per car for each row will be
calculated and displayed.

b. Add a formula to calculate
the AvgRev by dividing the contents of the Revenue cell by the contents of the
NumCars cell for each data row in the table

c. The AvgRev values format is currency (a $ and
two decimal points). When you are clicking on cells to construct a formula in
cell G2, while you may be expecting to see E2/F2 what may appear in the cell
editor is @Revenue/@NumCars, a result of using an Excel table.

d. Column adjustment may be
needed to ensure both the title and the data is visible.

e. Apply the formatting
instructions in the Comments column
(next column at right).

Ensure that all cells with
data have been selected before sorting. This sort is completed in a
single step
, not 3 separate steps.

The format of the table must
be extended to the new column.


GCU NRS410 Week 3 Assignment – Case Study: Mr. C. Latest 2019 JULY



NRS410 Pathophysiology And
Nursing Management of Clients Health

Week 3 Assignment

Case Study:
Mr. C.

It is
necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding
of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and
treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span.

the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. C., presented below.

Based on
this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete
the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below.

Health History
and Medical Information

Health History

Mr. C., a
32-year-old single male, is seeking information at the outpatient center
regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He currently works at a
catalog telephone center. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a
small child, gaining approximately 100 pounds in the last 2-3 years. Previous
medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he
has sleep apnea and high blood pressure, which he tries to control by
restricting dietary sodium. Mr. C. reports increasing shortness of breath with
activity, swollen ankles, and pruritus over the last 6 months.


Height: 68
inches; weight 134.5 kg

BP: 172/98,
HR 88, RR 26

3 pitting
edema bilateral feet and ankles

blood glucose: 146 mg/dL

cholesterol: 250 mg/dL

312 mg/dL

HDL: 30

creatinine 1.8 mg/dL

BUN 32

Thinking Essay

750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mr. C.’s potential diagnosis and intervention(s).
Include the following:

the clinical manifestations present in Mr. C.

Describe the
potential health risks for obesity that are of concern for Mr. C. Discuss
whether bariatric surgery is an appropriate intervention.

Assess each
of Mr. C.’s functional health patterns using the information given. Discuss at
least five actual or potential problems can you identify from the functional
health patterns and provide the rationale for each. (Functional health patterns
include health-perception, health-management, nutritional, metabolic,
elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual,
self-perception/self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality/reproductive,
coping-stress tolerance.)

Explain the
staging of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and contributing factors to consider.

ESRD prevention and health promotion opportunities. Describe what type of
patient education should be provided to Mr. C. for prevention of future events,
health restoration, and avoidance of deterioration of renal status.

Explain the
type of resources available for ESRD patients for nonacute care and the type of
multidisciplinary approach that would be beneficial for these patients.
Consider aspects such as devices, transportation, living conditions,
return-to-employment issues.

You are
required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment.
Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the
assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,
located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the
assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are
required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite
Technical Support articles for assistance.


GCU NRS410 All Week Discussions Latest 2019 JULY



NRS410 Pathophysiology And
Nursing Management of Clients Health

Week 1 Discussion

DQ1 Identify
a cardiac or respiratory issue and outline the key steps necessary to include
for prevention and health promotion.

DQ2 Discuss
what resources are often necessary for nonacute care for cardiorespiratory
issues. Explain how they support patient independence and decrease readmission.

NRS410 Pathophysiology And
Nursing Management of Clients Health

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 Identify
a common perceptual, neurological, or cognitive issue and discuss contributing
factors. Outline steps for prevention or health promotion for the patient and

DQ2 Discuss
characteristic findings for a stroke and how it affects the lives of patients
and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s
psychological and emotional needs. Provide an example.

NRS410 Pathophysiology And
Nursing Management of Clients Health

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 Discuss
how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their
families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological
and emotional needs. Provide an example.

DQ2 Discuss
how functional patterns help a nurse understand the current and past state of
health for a patient. Using a condition or disease associated with an
elimination complexity, provide an example.

NRS410 Pathophysiology And
Nursing Management of Clients Health

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 Discuss
characteristic findings of immune dysfunction for either hypersensitivity
reactions or AIDS. Explain what symptomology the patient would exhibit and how
these symptoms may complicate daily living and relationships.

DQ2 Discuss
what symptoms are associated with anaphylactic shock and how the nurse
differentiates these from other conditions or issues. What steps should be
taken if the nurse suspects anaphylactic shock?

NRS410 Pathophysiology And
Nursing Management of Clients Health

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Describe
some of the more common pathophysiological changes and abnormal findings
associated with musculoskeletal, metabolic, and multisystem health
dysfunctions. Explain what symptoms are associated with the findings and how
these affect patient function.

DQ2 Explain
the risk factors for osteoporosis. What can a nurse do to help manage this
health condition to restore the patient to optimal health?


Saint Leo COM590 Final Exam 100% Accurate



Question 1 (4 points)


What is pretexting associated with?

Question 1 options:

Hiring personnel

Communication between senior management and general

Policy dissemination

Social engineering

Question 2 (4 points)


Pam receives an offensive joke via e-mail from Larry, a
co-worker. Which of the following helps Pam know the correct actions to take?

Question 2 options:



None of the above


Question 3 (4 points)


Which type of agreement would you have a contract system
administrator (temporary worker) sign?

Question 3 options:


Both A and C



Question 4 (4 points)


A standard for Web Services from an external provider would
be part of which set of policies?

Question 4 options:

WAN Domain policies

System/Application Domain policies

User Domain policies

LAN Domain policies

Question 5 (4 points)


Which of the following would include information on
firewalls that handle application traffic?

Question 5 options:

WAN Domain policies

System/Application Domain policies

LAN Domain policies

User Domain policies

Question 6 (4 points)


A LAN Domain policy would include guidelines for which of
the following?

Question 6 options:


User access rights

IDS and IPS architecture and management


Question 7 (4 points)


Which U.S. military data classification refers to data that
the unauthorized disclosure of which would reasonably be expected to cause
serious damage to national security?

Question 7 options:


Top Secret



Question 8 (4 points)


Which policy outlines the process by which a BCP and DRP
plan is activated?

Question 8 options:

Server Policy

Disaster Declaration Policy


Incident Policy

Question 9 (4 points)


In a business classification scheme, which classification
refers to routine communications within the organization?

Question 9 options:

Highly sensitive




Question 10 (4 points)


Triage is performed during which phase of incident response?

Question 10 options:



Containing and Minimizing


Previous PageNext Page

Question 11 (4 points)


Evidence from an incident must be documented and protected
from the time it?s obtained to the time it?s presented in court. Which tool is
used to document this evidence?

Question 11 options:

Writ of evidence

Chain of custody

Incident log

Real evidence docket

Question 12 (4 points)


According to the Payment Card Industry Data Security
Standard (PCI DSS), what is classified as an incident?

Question 12 options:

An incomplete transaction

Loss of a password

Denial of Service attack

Wi-Fi password loss

Question 13 (4 points)


Before an incident can be declared, the IRT must develop an
incident __________ for incident response.

Question 13 options:



discovery process


Question 14 (4 points)


What is a benefit of instructor-led classroom training for
security awareness?

Question 14 options:

Low cost


Both A and B

Neither A nor B

Question 15 (4 points)


What is a common consequence of failing to adhere to an
acceptable use policy (AUP)?

Question 15 options:

Loss of computer privileges at work

E-mail reminder

Nothing; an AUP is only a guideline

Disciplinary action

Question 16 (4 points)


Implementing IT security policies is as much about
__________ as it is about implementing controls.

Question 16 options:

changing attitudes

changing personnel

disciplinary actions


Question 17 (4 points)


Which of the following is a common cause of security

Question 17 options:

Outsourced processing to vendors

Improved training and security awareness

Increased employee motivation

Inadequate management and user decisions

Question 18 (4 points)


What is the name of a common control that is used across a
significant population of systems, applications, and operations?

Question 18 options:





Question 19 (4 points)


__________ is/are key(s) to security policy enforcement.

Question 19 options:

IT personnel support

Executive support

Physical controls

A communications plan

Question 20 (4 points)


Your company does not want its employees to use the Internet
to exchange personal e-mail during work hours. What is the best tool to use to
ensure the company does not violate an employee?s right to privacy?

Question 20 options:


A risk assessment

An acceptable use policy

A data leakage protection system

Question 21 (4 points)


Which of the following is least likely to indicate the
effectiveness of an organization?s security policies?

Question 21 options:

Vulnerability assessments

Detective controls

Policy compliance reviews

An incident response plan

Question 22 (4 points)


Which organization created the Security Content Automation
Protocol (SCAP) as part of its responsibilities under FISMA?

Question 22 options:


The MITRE Corporation



Question 23 (4 points)


A(n) __________ can include a computer?s full operating
system, applications, and system settings, including security and configuration

Question 23 options:



group policy


Question 24 (4 points)


What does a configuration management database (CMDB) hold?

Question 24 options:

System configuration information

Policy change documentation

Security policies

None of the above

Question 25 (4 points)


What is a vulnerability window?

Question 25 options:

The time between when a new vulnerability is discovered and
when software developers start writing a patch.

The time required to image a computer.

System downtime associated with a successful attack.

The period of time during which an attacker may launch a DoS
