Choose a current health policy from your state that is being considered as a legislative act.

Choose a current health policy from your state that is being considered as a legislative act.

Write an essay of 500-750 words about the impact of regulation and policy.


1. Explain the pros and cons of the proposed health policy from the perspective of the patient, family, or community and its role in reducing costs for health care insurers.


2. Explain the government’s impact on the cost of health care.


3. Explain what regulatory authority will implement or enforce this health care policy.


4. Describe the differences between federal, state, and local health care regulatory responsibilities in the chosen health policy. 


A minimum of three scholarly sources must be cited, including your textbook.

Choose a current health policy from your state that is being considered as a legislative act.

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You have been working for a municipal police department for the past six months

You have been working for a municipal police department for the past six months. You are assigned to the afternoon shift and have successfully completed your field training period. It is your first day of solo patrol.


At 4:00 p.m., you are dispatched to a local bar off Main Street for a disturbance. The bartender, Cassandra Smith, reported there was an intoxicated male inside the bar who refused to pay his tab. The male also refused to leave the bar. Upon arrival, a police lieutenant, Lt. Thompson, with 31-years experience, also arrives to assist. Lt. Thompson is a military veteran with a short temper. Your body-worn camera (BWC) records the interaction.


Inside the bar, you encounter the intoxicated male and identify him as Scott Simpson. Scott, 23-years old, is clearly intoxicated, but you use effective communications skills to convince him to speak with you outside the bar. Cassandra follows you and Scott outside and Lt. Thompson is also present. All four of you are now in the alley standing alongside your squad cars.


While you attempt to speak with Cassandra and get her side of the story, Scott yells at Cassandra and use profane and insulting language about her. Lt. Thompson yells at Scott, “You will not talk to a woman that way!” At the same time, Lt. Thompson grabs Scott by the back of the head, slams his face onto a squad car hood, spins him 180-degrees, and then shoves him, face first, into the adjacent concrete wall. Blood begins to pour out of Scott’s nose and Lt. Thompson orders, “Arrest this man!”


Outside of Scott’s abusive and profane language, he was not violent or resistive. You recognize the force being used by Lt. Thompson is excessive.


Consider what you would do in this scenario.


The use-of-force incident outside the bar was investigated by the internal affairs division and referred to the district attorney for prosecution. The district attorney’s office drafts a criminal complaint against Lt. Thompson charging him with felony battery and misconduct in public office, also a felony. Like any criminal defendant, Lt. Thompson will be afforded due process as the case progresses through the criminal court system.




This task requires you to create a Power Point (PPT) presentation that explores the following content:


List each step of the criminal court process that Lt. Thompson would be exposed to in your state.


Discuss what occurs at each step in the court process. For example, during a preliminary hearing the judge determines if probable cause exists to believe Lt. Thompson committed a felony. If a finding of probable cause is made the case proceeds to trial.


Identify the potential consequences of Lt. Thompson’s behavior.


Discuss what you would do if you were the officer in the scenario who witnessed Lt. Thompson’s behavior. What are your legal and ethical obligations?


Example Layout:


List each step of the criminal court process that Lt. Thompson would be exposed to in your state.


Slide 1 – Bullet list of the steps of the criminal court process in your state (e.g., arrest, initial appearance, preliminary hearing, arraignment, motion hearing, trial.


Discuss what occurs at each step in the court process. For example, during a preliminary hearing the judge determines if probable cause exists to believe Lt. Thompson committed a felony. If a finding of probable cause is made the case proceeds to trial.


Slide 2 – Step 1 (e.g., arrest)


Slide 3 – Step 2 (e.g., initial appearance)


Slide 4 – Step 3 (e.g., preliminary hearing)


Slide 5 -Step 4 (e.g., arraignment)


Slide 6 – Step 5 (e.g., motion hearing)


Slide 7 – Step 6 (e.g., trial)


Identify the potential consequences of Lt. Thompson’s behavior.


Slide 8 – Potential Consequences (e.g., termination, civil liability, criminal liability, etc.)


Discuss what you would do if you were the officer in the scenario who witnessed Lt. Thompson’s behavior. What are your legal and ethical obligations?


Slide 9 – Responding to Lt. Thompson’s Use of Force


Requirements for Grading:


Your presentation must include the following or you will score a 0% and be asked to resubmit.


Number of Slides: Maximum of 12 slides


Time limit: No more than ten minutes


You must show yourself in the video side-by-side with your presentation as you go through it.

You have been working for a municipal police department for the past six months

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Select an adolescent individual from past or present and introduce them by providing a full profile

We will study and explore the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and behavioral development of humans from puberty to maturity. In addition, an examination of the challenges experienced by adolescents and parents will be covered. Syllabus is subject to change! Course Objectives. 1) To gain a fundamental understanding of the major theories pertinent to the development of an adolescent. 2) To integrate theory and practice, and research and experience, when discussing various stages and concepts during adolescence 3) To obtain a higher sense of self-awareness of oneself during this time of rapid change and growth Required Textbook Santrock, J. W. (2022). Adolescence. McGraw-Hill Education, 18th edition. ISBN: 1260245837


Regarding your final paper, please review the requirements from the syllabus, which I am copying again here: 


“Final Paper: Your final paper will be broken down into two sections. 




Section One:


· Select an adolescent individual from past or present and introduce them by providing a full profile.  Include their psychological, social, and physical health as well as their demographic information in your description.  This individual can be yourself, someone you know, chosen from a case study, or a character from film, television or literature. 


· Explain why you have chosen to focus on this individual.


· Describe at least one   defining event or circumstance that influenced this individual and had (or will likely have) either a positive or negative effect on their future.  This should be related to the topic for Part II.  Explain.  


Section Two:  


1.  Select a  topic, concept, or theory of Adolescent Psychology and Development  that we covered this semester. Example: Adolescent Health and its future implications in adulthood, including individuals and information from the film, Fed Up.  (Select your chosen topic from our textbook, or a film, article or other publication that we have reviewed).  You must also include an additional outside source for your research.  


-This topic, concept or theory must be applicable to Part I.


-Your sources must include our textbook, as well as at least one other publication. (Book, textbook, article, study, paper etc.)


2.  Provide your own interpretations of what this concept entails.  Clearly explain and describe this concept as it pertains to Adolescent Psychology, and/or positive psychology in relation to adolescent psychology. 


3.  Explain why you have chosen to focus on this particular area. 


4.  Describe how this topic is relevant to the individual from part I.


5.   Include any other details or explanation that you find relevant to your point.” 


So to recap, you will 1) choose and adolescent individual (either real or from tv/movies/books), 2) you will discuss why you chose them, 3) you will relay a defining event or circumstance in their lives, 4) you will choose a theory or topic from this semester that pertains to your chosen person and discuss in detail the various aspects of the theory or topic you’ve chosen (like a literature review), 4) explain why you chose this area, 5) explain why this area you chose is relevant to your character, 5) include any other information that might be helpful. Further –  you will need to use APA citation guidelines . I will be deducting points for failing to adhere to these standards. For reference you can look here . I expect you all to reference your textbook  and at least one other scholarly work (a different textbook, a peer reviewed journal, or some other reputable source of information). 


This paper should be a minimum of five pages (not including cover page or reference sheet) double spaced, times new roman 12 font. This paper is 28 points of your final grade. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me. If you’re uncertain about who to choose or focus on, you can get in touch with me via email. You can also reach out to confirm that who you’ve chosen will work. I am here to help if you need.  


If anyone has any questions about the final paper, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Some questions that I’ve answered over email that I will post here: 


-This assignment should be in the third person, like most academic papers, and in an academic/clinical tone.  I will deduct points for writing in an overly casual tone. 


-The crux of the paper is connecting a topic that we covered in class (and a developmental theory to connect with) to a character of your choosing. It is easier to do this with a fictional character than someone in real life. If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to ask me. 


-The main part of this paper is discussing the topic of interest from our weekly readings in detail, and then connecting it to your character of choice. 


-you are only to cite  peer-reviewed journalarticles. Not some random website about health, The NY Times, what your friend posted on Facebook, or anything else that wasn’t published in a peer-reviewed research oriented journal. You will lose significant points for citing an article from CNN or VeryWellMind on your final paper. Please let me know if you have any questions!


-I will be deducting points for each instance where you violate APA formatting. That includes the style, the citations, reference sheet, etc.  PLEASE MAKE SURE TO REVIEW WHEN AND WHERE TO PUT IN-TEXT CITATIONS.There are many websites and videos (in addition to the ones I’ve already uploaded on here) to help you learn this. If you have a specific question, please reach out to me (or ya know, Google it first?). This is a silly way for you to lose points on your final grade.  


-The use of ChatGPT will be heavily penalized. 

Select an adolescent individual from past or present and introduce them by providing a full profile

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Creating Production Possibilities Schedules and Curves

In this assignment, you will create a production possibilities schedule and curve to determine what your opportunity costs are and which product is the best for you to produce.



Gather materials and necessary information.


Ask your teacher which word-processing software you will be using.


Keep your lesson and assignment open in case you need to review what you have learned.


Read and follow each set of instructions carefully.


a) Compete the production possibilities schedule and production possibilities curve, starting with the information provided. Be sure to ask your teacher for help if you are not sure how to do this.


b) Make sure you complete the questions on each page.


Assignment: Determining Production Possibilities

You are getting ready to open The Shoe Hut, but you need to determine whether you have the absolute or comparative advantage in the production of specific items. This will help you determine which product is the best for specialization.


Your production possibilities are as follows:


· You have the resources to produce up to 15 running shoe inserts.


· You have the resources to produce up to 10 hiking boot inserts.


· For every 2 hiking boot inserts produced, you give up the production of 3 running shoe inserts.


Your production possibilities schedule will help you determine:


· your opportunity costs.


· your best options for production.


Scroll to the next page to complete your production possibilities schedule.


1. Using the information that you learned about your ability to produce running shoe inserts and hiking boot inserts, complete your production possibilities schedule. (5 points)




Running shoe inserts


Hiking boot inserts














1. Use the information from your production possibilities schedule to create your production possibilities curve by filling in the following graph. Use textboxes to insert text, and use lines and circles from the shapes function to illustrate your production possibilities. Be sure to mark points A through F on the graph. (5 points)


Creating Production Possibilities Schedules and Curves

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Student Work Analysis Worksheet

Use this document to record information/evidence from the sample student work. Evidence should consider the Core Actions. Evidence recorded will be integrated into the Feedback Summary worksheet. Before analyzing student work, be sure to have first completed the student assignment.


General notes and observations about the task:


1. Which standard(s) and/or cluster(s) are targeted in this assignment? Are they grade-level standards?


2. What is the mathematical purpose of the assignment?


3. What aspect(s) of Rigor (conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application) does the assignment address? Explain.


After looking at student work:


1. How did the directions and/or prompts for the assignment allow students to demonstrate the requirements of the targeted standard(s)?


2. How did the mathematical content of the assignment allow students to demonstrate the requirements of the targeted standard(s)?


3. What patterns do you notice in the student work?


● What did students do consistently well?


● Were there any common errors?


July 2017




Student Work Analysis Worksheet


Student Work Sample


What does the student’s work demonstrate about his/her understanding of the expectations of the assignment?


What does the student’s work demonstrate about his/her proficiency with the requirements of the targeted standard?


Student A


Student B


Student C


Student D


Student E


Note: For a collection of more than five samples of student work, print this page multiple times.

Student Work Analysis Worksheet

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