Post-Observation Conference with Cooperating Teacher

Schedule a Post-Observation Conference with your cooperating teacher no later than 24 hours after the Formal Lesson Observation


1. Share your self-evaluation  (JUST DOMAIN 3) using  Touro Rubric with evidence  Download Touro Rubric with evidence from your lesson you taught


2. Ask the cooperating teacher to provide specific feedback based on his or her observations in relation to Domain 3


   During this meeting you will discuss the following: 


· identify your self-selected  glow/reinforcement area (using the lens of the HLP/Danielson domain)


· justify the  glow/reinforcement selection with evidence


· identify your self-selected  grow/refinement area


· justify the  grow/refinement selection with evidence


· name actionable next steps to improve the  grow/refinement and:


· how this will positively impact student achievement


· how this will support other evaluation instrument areas


· identify  actionable next-steps for  sustaining performance


· identify  actionable next-steps for  improving performance


*actionable – strategies used by the teacher to leverage and promote student learning

Post-Observation Conference with Cooperating Teacher

We offer the best custom writing paper services. We have answered this question before and we can also do it for you.


A 30-year-old female presents to the emergency room with a chief complaint of yellow, creamy vaginal discharge and difficulty with urination

A 30-year-old female presents to the emergency room with a chief complaint of yellow, creamy vaginal discharge and difficulty with urination.  She states these symptoms started about 3 days ago, and she thought she had a urinary tract infection. She denies pelvic pain.  The patient had unprotected sexual intercourse in the last two weeks with her new partner. She denies any lower back pain or foul-smelling urine or frequency.


PMH: Negative.


Vital signs: Vital signs T 98.8 F, Pulse 80, Respiration 22, O2 sat 99% on room air.


Cardio-respiratory: Unremarkable for murmurs, rubs, clicks, or gallops.


Abdominal: Negative for any pain or tenderness to deep palpation. 


Pelvic exam: Mucopurulent vaginal discharge and erythema to cervix with some bleeding noted to the cervix when touched with the swab.  No masses on bimanual exam.


The Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)


In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following:


· The factors that affect fertility (STDs).


· Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID.


3 references

A 30-year-old female presents to the emergency room with a chief complaint of yellow, creamy vaginal discharge and difficulty with urination

We offer the best custom writing paper services. We have answered this question before and we can also do it for you.


Create an abolitionist pamphlet that reflects the perspectives of a certain kind of activist

Pamphlet Project


Objective: Create an abolitionist pamphlet that reflects the perspectives of a certain kind of activist. The abolitionist movement contained MANY different kinds of ideals and beliefs regarding the best way to end enslavement. Such personalities included:


· Radical African Americans (generally, working-class or formerly enslaved people) who demanded freedom by any means necessary


· i.e. Frederick Douglass, David Walker, Harriet Tubman


· Class-conscious African Americans (generally, middle class and elite black reformers) who believed freedom should reflect certain respectability principles


· i.e. Maria Stewart, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper


· Black Feminists (generally, middle class and elite black women) who argued for racial AND gender equity


· i.e. Maria Stewart, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Mary Shad, Sojourner Truth


· Black colonizationists (generally, black intellectuals who wanted immediate abolition but also believed the US was incapable of overcoming institutional racism)


· i.e., John Brown Russwurm


· Radical White Northerners (generally, middle and elite-class white reformers who had been greatly influenced by the Second Great Awakening or had inherent humanitarian instincts)


· William Lloyd Garrison


· John Brown


· Radical White Southerners (generally, elite former slaveholders who were influenced by the Second Great Awakening and humanitarian instincts)


· James Birney


· Sarah Grimké


· Angelina Grimké




This project will require not only detailed attention to class lectures, readings, films and media; you must also understand the kind of personality around whom you want your audience to be! Maria Stewart and Sojourner Truth DID NOT appeal to the same kinds of abolitionists. Therefore, you need to look at 1-3 outside sources that will provide you with a firm understanding of the kind of audience you want to read your pamphlet. You will cite these sources in a bibliography that will be attached to your work. Further, you have probably never looked at antebellum pamphlets before this assignment. Therefore, you need to examine look at how 19th-century writers, journalists, and media outlets used text, font, images and the like, so that you have an idea of how those people got audience attention and kept them engrossed. You will look at 1-3 sources for pamphlet research that you will also include in your bibliography.


Project Guidelines


1.) Antebellum pamphlets ranged in size from 3-50 pages. These works were generally comprised of several essays by one or multiple authors, complete with illustrations and attention-grabbing graphics. YOUR pamphlet will consist of 6-10 PowerPoint slides that will contain your argument as to why abolition is righteous and how Americans should achieve abolition. Your writing needs to be the heart of your pamphlet, so you may dedicate no more than 3 single slides exclusively to images. You MAY intersperse images with your writing but you MUST be mindful that you are not dependent upon images to relay your message!


2.) I DO NOT care what style of PowerPoint you use. Your image research will help you to understand how 19th century media specialists grabbed readers’ attention through font, text, style and image, but that does not mean that you are hamstrung into using only sepia or black and white tones. These PowerPoint MUST use era-appropriate images and language (i.e. no 21st-century slang), but your color schemes, fonts, etc. can be anything offered to you through your software. I WANT THESE TO BE ARRESTING. YOU ARE TRYING TO TURN ME INTO YOUR KIND OF ABOLITIONIST.


3.) Your pamphlet MUST have a title (you research will help you figure out how 19th century writers created titles) that reflects your argument and what kind of abolitionist you are. For example, Sojourner Truth and Mary Shad were NOT the same kinds of women–the titles of their abolitionist and feminist works are VERY different.


4.) Your final slide will be a BIBLIOGRAPHY that cites your sources that you examined for personality and physical pamphlet research. You MAY use exclusively online sources, as hundreds of good, historical websites work to provide digital archives to academics. Some examples of good sites are:


· New York Historical Society Digital Collections


· www. digital-collections


· Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame




The best sites will contain bibliographical information that will legitimize your research. Do not use reference sources such as Wikipedia as they will not help you with your project and can sometimes provide inaccurate or useless information.


5.) You will upload your PowerPoint to Blackboard by 11:59 PM.




It’s a great idea to ask questions of me or any specialist to assist you in creating this project. You have a lot of room to play here, in terms of the kind of personality you take on, as well as the look and feel of your pamphlet. This is an opportunity not only for you to showcase what you are gleaning about abolitionist and mid-19th century politics, but for you to actively engage history in a way that firmly connects you to a movement that still resonates in the 21st century! Have fun with it!!

Create an abolitionist pamphlet that reflects the perspectives of a certain kind of activist

We offer the best custom writing paper services. We have answered this question before and we can also do it for you.


Create a unique 3 graphics scene composed of OpenGL graphic components using transformation methods

In this project you will create a unique 3 graphics scene composed of OpenGL graphic components using transformation methods.


1. Using Netbeans or Eclipse, develop a JOGL application that displays a unique 3D scene. The scene has the following specifications:

a. Size: minimum 640×480


b. Includes at least 6 different shapes


c. Uses at least 6 different transformation methods


2. Use Java and JOGL for your implementation of OpenGL


3. All Java source code should be written using Google Java style guide.


4. Prepare, conduct and document a test plan verifying your application is working as expected.


This plan should include a test matrix listing each method you tested, how you tested it, and the


results of testing.




1. All Java source code used for this project. Code should adhere to the Google Java style guide.


2. Word or PDF file demonstrating with clearly labeled screen captures and associated well-written


descriptions, the successful execution of your 3D graphics scene. The document should be well-


written, well-organized, include the test plan, include page numbers, captions for all screen


captures, and a title page including your name, class, section number and date. References


should be included for all sources used and formatted in APA style.

Create a unique 3 graphics scene composed of OpenGL graphic components using transformation methods

We offer the best custom writing paper services. We have answered this question before and we can also do it for you.


You may want to include graphics to make your reasoning a more visual and explicative ? The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s


· Word count: 1500-1700 words

· You may want to include graphics to make your reasoning a more visual and explicative

· The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

· Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.


· It assesses the following learning outcomes:

· Explore key economic theories, models, and trends, and how they impact decision making processes at different levels, vis-s-vis, micro, macro and international. 

· Analyze the functioning of the market and the role of business in the international arena. 

· Interpret various economic indicators across different levels of analysis. 

· Develop lines of arguments linking theories and evidence on global issues. 

· Communicate in an analytical way how business, nations and international economic settings are intertwined. 

· a versatile and inclusive

The overall aim of this case study is to analyze the international business strategy of a company of your choice (preferably from your country or from a country that you know well). 


1. Critically analyze the recent economic performance (since 2000) of your country. You should use the following indicators.

a. GDP and Trade to GDP since 2000.  

b. Inflation since 2000

c. Currency and exchange rate against euro (or dollar. Has this country a floating exchange rate? Briefly compare the different exchange rate regimes.

Also put in mind to look at and world trade organization and

d. What are the leading exports and imports of this country in terms of value?

– Is there a pattern? That is, in what kinds of goods does it look like the country might have a comparative advantage?

– Which trading partners are most important to this country? This can be measured in terms
of total exports, total imports, or total exports plus imports.

– Which countries have the largest trade deficits and trade surpluses with this country?

Recommended data source:

The WTO has extensive data on country trade and tariffs.  Their main statistics page is:  Their useful publication, Trade Profiles, is linked to that page or you can find it directly at: 

2.  Critically analyse the market structure of the industry in which your selected firm operates. To describe the market structure, your report must address the following questions:

– Provide performance details on your selected firm, key data and financial information. 

– What type of market structure does your industry resemble? (e.g. Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly).

You must support and justify your answers.

3. Explain the international strategy of the company using one of the models studied in this course.

iv. Provide an evaluation of potential strategies for the firm that will enable them to overcome the potential challenges.

Be lookimg at model and trade theories 

(the country will be united states and the company will be nike)

    You may want to include graphics to make your reasoning a more visual and explicative ? The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s

    We offer the best custom writing paper services. We have answered this question before and we can also do it for you.