A 41-year-old man presents to his PCP with feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and helplessness

A 41-year-old man presents to his PCP with feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and helplessness. He says that he cries for no reason, and has difficulty sleeping. He noticed that the problems began about 6 weeks before, and he did not feel able to shrug them off. He has been drinking more alcohol than usual and has stopped going to work. When on his own, he admitted that he had thought of driving his car into the nearest canal.


1. Summarize the clinical case.


2. What is the DSM 5-TR diagnosis based on the information provided in the case?


3. Which pharmacological treatment would you prescribe including the name, dose, route and frequency of the drug in accordance with the clinical guidelines? Include the rationale for this treatment.


4. Which non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe according to the clinical guidelines? Include the rationale for this treatment  excluding a psychotherapeutic modality.


5. Include an assessment of the treatment’s appropriateness, cost, effectiveness, safety, and potential for patient adherence to the chosen medication. Use a local pharmacy to research the cost of the medication and provide the most cost-effective choice for the patient. Use great detail when answering questions 3-5


Getting started with your literature review


Activity 1: Module 1 Discussion Board


This is the second foundational course for your dissertation project. Much of your success is contingent on working closely with your chair. Thus, communication is essential. You will have both formal and informal touchpoints through this course and throughout your dissertation journey. Each touchpoint is aimed to gauge your progress, answer questions, provide and clarify feedback, and to provide general guidance and support.


1. Post the final version of chapter one


2. Post any literature review you completed in the comp exam class


3. Propose ideas for gathering research as you begin the process of developing a literature review


Post your response to the prompt and schedule an appointment with your chair.


Organizing your literature


Activity 3: Module 3 Discussion Board


Complete an initial search of 5-10 research studies to gain ideas for your literature review. Search for key words from your research questions for your initial review. Save the research studies, you find interesting for your literature review. If it is easier for you to complete a summary of the research as you read it, then write a few paragraphs for each study.


Organizing your research is also important as you begin to gather quite a few sources. Think about how you might organize your literature to easily find studies when needed. You can also refer to the file system you created in the Comp Exam class.


1. Discuss your findings from your initial research, what you found interesting and any apparent gaps in the literature.


2. Discuss how you will organize the literature you collect.


Post your response to the prompt.


Submit a detailed outline for your literature review that includes all key ideas for your study. Your chair must approve your outline before moving forward.


Gathering research and writing your literature review


Activity 5: Module 5 Discussion Board


Now that your chair has approved your outline, you can begin to gather research studies for each section of your literature review and write your literature review. You should write at least five pages every week for your literature review. Your completed literature review will be a minimum of 30 full pages. Begin by reading your research, hi-lighting the information you want to summarize, and then in your own words writing a few paragraphs about each reference.


Discuss any issues that arise as you begin to gather your research for the literature review.


Post your response to the prompt


Unbiased research


Activity 7: Module 7 Discussion Board


When writing your literature review, it is important to remain unbiased. You should not develop an idea of where you want the research to go because you will follow your opinion. There is no opinion in a literature review. If you feel strongly about a subject, you may have difficulty seeing the research in an unbiased way.




A literature review is about reporting a summary of the research you read without bias. You may read one study, hi-light information contained in that study, and then summarize the study in your own words while writing several paragraphs for your literature review. Complete research about what bias means as it relates to research.


Write a few paragraphs about what bias means as it relates to research. What can you do to avoid using bias while writing your literature review?


Post your response to the prompt.


The ethical research process.


Activity 9: Module 9 Discussion Board


Giving credit where credit is due means you are ethically using valid research and citing it properly in your literature review. Part of the process of completing your dissertation is to be open and honest when gathering research. It is important that you read the study, summarize in your own words what you read, and write that summary with the proper citations.


Discuss the ethical research process and how that applies to your literature review Post your response to the prompt.


Gaps in the literatures


Activity 11: Module 11 Discussion Board


As you research and write your literature review, you may notice gaps in the literature. When this occurs, it is important that you add a section to your literature review mentioning those gaps. These may become ideas for future research when you are in chapter five of your dissertation.


Discuss the literature gaps you found while researching for your literature review, and how this information might change the direction of your study.


Post your response to the prompt.


Literature review revisions


Activity 13: Module 13 Discussion Board


Using background of the problem information in your study is important, but it should not be the focus of your literature review. Ensure that you use the background information appropriately and that it has a place in your literature review.


Review feedback received from your committee about your literature review.


Discuss the feedback received from your committee with your chair.


Post your response to the prompt.


Literature review revisions


Activity 15: Module 15 Discussion Board


Depending on your dissertation topic, you may identify business systems and themes that need to be covered in your literature review. If needed, you will need to add a section to your literature review for these business systems and themes.


Your committee may have additional changes or updates they would like to see for your literature review.


Discuss any additional chapter revisions with your chair and create a path forward to finalizing the chapter.


Post your response to the prompt.

Parental concerns regarding their child’s education:

1:1 and 2:1 instruction be differentiated for his needs.

We do not want him to be watching youtube videos during school

We want him to be engaged in active instruction with a teacher. All 1:1 or 2:1 should be targeted on his IEP goals


We need to know the schedule

Is the group session the same everyday? What’s the content for his 1:1 everyday? We need a visual schedule for him


We want him to have a Daily school visual schedule


E-mails were being sent with materials (letter of the week etc.) but have not been consistent. Materials – Teaching aides


Binder sent home. Was not complete. Not focused on developmentally appropriate skills


The IEP Meeting occurred on 02/03/2024 and will last for a year. The child’s name is Chase Smith and he was born on 01/07/2020. He has Down’s Syndrome. He has a significant developmental delay and speech and language impairments. He is a boy. Chase was evaluated by members of the Diagnostic Team on December 2021. The Battelle Developmental Inventory 2 (BDI 2) and the Preschool Language Scale 5 (PLS 5) were used to assess Chase’s strengths and weaknesses. At this time, Chase is showing significant deficits in the social-emotional, motor, adaptive, communication/language, and cognitive areas, which negatively impact upon his ability to engage in appropriate activities. is at the Emerging level for Math, Reading, and Approaches to Learning on GKIDS. Speech Pathology Inc evaluation completed 1/14/2021. Chase achieved the following standard scores on the PLS5: Auditory Comprehension-52, Expressive Communication-50, Total Language Score-50. These scores indicate a significant speech-language disorder. A motor speech evaluation was completed which indicated severe childhood apraxia of speech. Chase produced the following CV-71%, VC-44%, VCV-17%, CVCV-82%, CVCV change in vowel=22%, CVCV change in vowel and consonant-0%. An AAC assessment was conducted with AAC Genie and the Dynamic AAC Goals Grid 2. Chase could find target 100% of time with small button in a field of 45 real photos with no competing photos. With competing photos, he was 100% accurate in field of 15, 60% accurate in field of 32, 33% accurate in field of 45. The DAGG2 indicated that Chase is an emerging ability level 3: Context Dependent. Chase recognizes upper and lowercase letters. He is able to name a word that begins with a letter when asked. Chase is able to count at least 6 objects. He can rote count to at least 10 and recognize numerals from 0-10. Chase can identify at least 4 two dimensional shapes.


Chase is a joy to have in the classroom and adds a lot to the class. He is friendly, energetic and enjoys coming to school. Chase has a tendency to push or hit his peers when he feels they are entering his area or too near his space. We are working on personal space and appropriate responses to these situations. Chase is always quick to say ,”Sorry” ,but it is difficult to determine whether he understands his reaction to the action is not the right way to respond. While Chase will stay seated during an teacher directed activity he does not always want to participate and will show his displeasure by saying, “no”, pushing away from the table or reaching for something else to do. Chase has a difficult time waiting for the teacher to give him instructions and or materials before beginning a project. He tries to “grab” whatever is in front of him and begin. When transitioning Chase needs several reminders (verbal and gesture) to stand up, when he hears the timer go off and move to the appropriate area.


Goal: Chase will hold a pencil and make a circle


Goal: Chase will follow directions when told to do it and when I show him.


Fine Motor: Chase Is able to form the letters of his name in very large letters but he is not yet able to write his name in 1-2 inch block letters. Chase is not able to cut independently with standard scissors. Chase is not able to independently fasten zippers, buttons and snaps


Chase is able to raise his hand to answer questions, answer questions appropriately and complete tasks. Chase is able to recognize different emotions. The previous teacher who was able to observe Chase in the classroom environment stated that Chase is able to recognize and emulate 5 different emotions in the previous IEP. Chase is very friendly and seems to enjoy interacting with classmates and teachers. Chase greets teachers and peers appropriately and will repeat what he is saying or signing if his partner is unable to understand him. Chase is able to approximate letter “C”, “h”, “s” and a circle. He is able to draw simple pictures with modeling. Chase is able to open and close scissors. He can do several fine motor tasks such as assembling puzzles, connecting blocks, and stacking blocks. Chase is able to unzip a zipper. Chase is a delightful boy who readily greets others. He loves music, singing, and dancing. Chase uses gestures, signs, and words to communicate. He combines signs and words together for a variety of purposes (i.e. requesting, answering questions, negation, labeling). Chase’s vocabulary continues to grow and he signs or verbalizes words in variety of categories. Chase answers everyday “what, who, where” questions with a field of 3 pictures supports by pointing to the appropriate picture or verbalizing his answer. He is beginning to answer “who, what, where” about information read to him with picture supports in a field of 2. He consistently expresses the concepts “hot/cold” and is becoming more consistent with other concepts. His oral motor structures appear adequate for speech. Chase’s voice is appropriate for his age and gender. Although his verbal output is limited, he does not appear to stutter The following sources were used to determine the strengths listed below: observations, informal/formal assessments, goal probing, evaluations. Chase does not identify letters with their sounds. Chase does not consistently count more than 6 objects with 1:1 correlation.


Communication: The following strengths are based on speech-language data and observation during virtual learning. Chase has made progress toward all of his speech-language goals, however he continues to exhibit a speech-language disorder. Chase requires cues and visual supports to consistently identify quality concepts other than “hot/cold”. Chase does not follow directions containing spatial concepts, identify them in pictures, or express them. Although Chase likes stories and appears to attend to them, he has difficulty answering “‘who, what, where” questions about stories that have been read to him. Chase attempts to imitate words. Chase’s production of CVCV words remains inconsistent (70%). Although his production of words with the final consonants /p, b, m/ have improved (38%), he is not producing other sounds in the final position. Chase’s speech is difficult to understand even when the context is known.


Goal: Others will understand what Chase is saying


Goal: Chase will count to 10 with 1:1 correlation


Impact of the disability on involvement and progress in the general education curriculum (for preschool, how the disability affects participation in appropriate activities):


Due to a diagnosis of Significant Developmental Delay and Speech Language Impairment, Chase demonstrates deficits that adversely impact his ability to make progress towards meeting standards based on the Georgia Kindergarten Index of Development Standards as well as being able to participate in age-appropriate activities. Specifically, he has difficulty with social skills, completing fine motor task ,acquiring preschool concepts, staying on task , communicating to peers and adults as well as language development.


Goal: Chase will stay in his space.


Goal: Chase will button his pants


Chase cannot use the scissors that the school has. Chas has trouble holding the skinny pencil the school uses. Chase needs a visual schedule. Chase needs visual supports for instruction. He needs to take breaks during the day. He should sit near the teacher. He should have a chance to be with his peers.

Definition of “gender” and “gender identity”

(1) In your own words, give a thorough definition of “gender” and “gender identity”. Must be at least 2 – 3 sentences and cannot be copied from the resources or the internet.


Next, (2) describe actual gender differences, gender roles, and gender stereotypes and (3) give examples of each. This section should be a  minimum of 3 paragraphs and should cite any resources used at the end of your post using APA format (remember, resources must be peer-reviewed).


(4)  In your own words, describe the consequences of relying on and expecting gender differences. (5) Find a recent news article that provides a real life example of the consequences of expecting gender differences. Based on what you’ve read this week, (6) look at this article as a gender researcher and give your feedback about the article. Your feedback should be based on facts discussed in class this week and/or other academic resources, not your personal opinions. This section should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs. 


Don’t forget to include APA citations at the end of each discussion post.


In addition to posting your main entry, it is required that you respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates’ entries.  In 75 words or more, provide constructive feedback on their post. Did they miss anything in their definition or analysis? What were your thoughts about the link they posted? What additional thoughts do you have?  Share them.  When providing your feedback, present the logic behind it and, where appropriate, cite research to support your thoughts. 

what is sexism and (2) what are the consequences of sexism?

In 1 – 2 paragraphs, please explain, (1) what is sexism and (2) what are the consequences of sexism?


(3) Take a look at these articles which discuss how gender disparities have been affected by the Covid pandemic and discuss the differences in the data presented. This section should be a minimum of one paragraph.








After reading this week’s  NYT article on gender nonconformity , (4) discuss which aspects make coming out as non-binary easier and/or safer. Considering that gender nonconformity occurs in  various animal groups  and  throughout history , (5) why do you think there is such resistance to accepting individuals as gender nonconforming? (6) Looking at the data as a social science student, do you think that acceptance will increase in the future? Why or why not? This section should be a minimum of 2 – 3 paragraphs. 


In addition to posting your main entry, it is required that you respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates’ entries.  In 75 words or more, provide specific and constructive feedback that is directly related to their post. What additional thoughts do you have?  Share them.  When providing your feedback, present the logic behind it and, where appropriate, cite research to support your thoughts.