ENGLISH 2 MIDTERM REFLECTION Background?: W? e are living in an unprecedented time and our lives have changed in ways that were probably unimaginable at the beginning of the semester. Now that we’ve passed the halfway point of our class, ?let’s take some time to reflect on how the class is going and what you plan to do to be successful in the second half of it. Directions:? You will have several days to write a short reflection essay that answers the prompt below. Your essay should be written in complete sentences and include an introduction with a thesis at the end of it, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. ?The minimum word count is 750 words?. Submission Guidelines?: ?Submit your complete midterm reflection essay in the “Midterm” assignment in the “Assignments” tab in Canvas. In addition to copying and pasting your essay in the text entry box, upload a file (preferably a PDF or Word doc) before clicking on “Submit.” MIDTERM REFLECTION: PLEASE TELL ME THE STORY OF YOUR SEMESTER Prompt:? How is the semester going for you right now and what are your plans for the second half of the semester? Here are some additional questions for you to consider (you do not have to answer all of them): ? How would you describe your experience in the class so far? (Focus on your participation and work) ? What do you feel that you have learned so far? ? What do you want or expect to learn later in the semester? ? How was your writing improved this semester (be as specific as possible). ? What are your goals for the second half of the semester? ? What do you hope to learn by the end of the semester? ? What has been working for you this semester? (Think about scheduling, planning, meeting in office hours, etc.) ? What has not been working for you? (Be as specific as possible)


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MN501 All Units Discussions Latest 2018 November



Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 1

Identify the three elements of Hamric?s definition of
advanced nursing practice that you think are most important. Why did you pick
these three?

Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 2

Topic: Role Transition

Transition from Registered Nurse to an advanced practice
nursing role occurs through acquiring the educational component of role
acquisition and the occupational or work component of role implementation.
Discuss three strategies for enhancing advanced practice nursing role

Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 3

Topic: Guidance and Coaching Competencies

Guidance and coaching is a core competency of advanced
practice nursing.

How do you think guidance and coaching in the advanced
practice role is different from the RN role of teaching/coaching?

Are there certain elements of this competency that are more
important than others?

How does the teaching and coaching role fit with a wellness
versus sickness model of care?

MN501 Advanced
Nursing Roles

Unit 4

Topic: Team Dynamics

Reflect on your experiences as a member of an
interdisciplinary team.

What makes a team effective in terms of achieving expected
outcomes for patients, staff, students, and agencies?

What situations or conditions make it difficult for teams to
work together?

Provide an example of an interdisciplinary team from your
current nursing practice. Was this team effective or ineffective? Provide an
example to justify your answer.

Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 5

Topic: Opinion Leader Perspectives

Consider some of the situations that motivated you to return
to graduate school.

Describe one in which you were (or wished you could have
been) an opinion leader.

What are the characteristics of opinion leaders?

In what ways do you see yourself being an opinion leader?

Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 6

Topic: NP and APN Roles Comparison

Compare and contrast the primary care NP role with other APN
roles and the role of physician assistants. What are the similarities among the
roles and what are the differences

Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 7

Topic: The Four P?s of Marketing

What are the four P?s of marketing and how can they applied
to marketing advanced practice nursing?

Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 8

Topic: Political Competence

Advanced practice nurses can serve as content experts for
policymakers and their staff. Discuss methods that you can use to stay current
with your health policy knowledge. Be specific with your response and share
names of publications, websites, and other resources.

Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 9

Topic: Data Management

Reflect on your experience with different aspects of data
management ? for example, identifying the target population and relevant
measures, access to data sources, strategies for data collection, coordination
of data entry, and data analysis to final deliverable to stakeholders. Discuss
those areas in which you feel skilled versus those areas that will require more
skill development. List at least three activities in which you might engage in
your current practice setting that would increase your competencies in the area
of data management.


MN501 Unit 9 Discussion Latest 2018 November



Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 9

Topic: Data Management

Reflect on your experience with different aspects of data
management ? for example, identifying the target population and relevant
measures, access to data sources, strategies for data collection, coordination
of data entry, and data analysis to final deliverable to stakeholders. Discuss
those areas in which you feel skilled versus those areas that will require more
skill development. List at least three activities in which you might engage in
your current practice setting that would increase your competencies in the area
of data management.


MN501 Unit 10 Assignment Latest 2018 November



Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 10

Self-Directed Learning Plan (SDLP)


It?s important to develop your professional goals and how
you achieve them in this course and your chosen program.


To prepare your SDLP, complete the steps outlined below.

After exploring the course description, course outcomes, and
unit themes and outcomes, complete your SDLP for your professional objectives.

What did you expect to learn in this course and what do you
expect to learn in your program that will help you achieve your academic and
professional goals? You are encouraged to reflect earnestly about how the
course content and experience might serve your goals, as well as about what you
might proactively do in throughout your program to develop in your target

If you have determined there are additional areas from which
you would benefit, or areas you would like to replace, this is a good time to
do so. Remember, this is your learning plan, so design it to help you achieve
your unique goals.

Identify your anticipated nursing role.

List your professional goals (3?5 years from now).

Identify the Knowledge, Skills, and Accomplishments needed
for the advanced nursing role that you have identified above. A minimum of
three items should be listed for each of the Knowledge, Skills, and

Discuss at least three Strengths to Leverage. Complete steps
1, 2, and 3 of the template for Strengths to Leverage.

Discuss at least one Area to Develop. Complete steps 1, 2,
and 3 of the template for Areas to Develop.

Write a reflection that discusses what you learned in this
course and expect to learn in your program that will help you achieve your
academic and professional goals. Provide an evaluation of how your SDLP can
provide for lifelong learning. The reflection should be a minimum of 300 words.

You must submit the Unit 10 SDLP Assignment using the SDLP
Template. You should not submit a written paper for the Unit 10 SDLP
Assignment. If you have references to support your SDLP then you should add a
heading References at the end of the SDLP Template and add the references in APA
format. You do not need to have a title page for this assignment.

This Assignment will be graded based on evidence of
thoughtful development of your SDLP.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit
the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as
displayed above);

consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to
make sure you have included everything necessary; and

utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar,
punctuation, etc.);

be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original
and insightful;

display superior content, organization, style, and
mechanics; and

use APA 6th Edition format.

For assistance, visit the Writing Center.

How to Submit:

Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox by 11:59 pm ET on
Sunday of the unit.

When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the
unit Dropbox then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment
you submit.


MN501 Unit 9 Assignment Latest 2018 November



Advanced Nursing Roles

Unit 9

Practice Site Application


This Assignment helps you begin the process of preparing for
your clinical or practicum experience.


Complete your Supervised Practice Site Application by using
the appropriate link below. The Supervised Practice Site Application is an
electronic form.

MSN Non-NP?s:


Proof of submission can be either a copy of the email that
you receive upon completion of the Supervised Practice Site Application or a
screenshot of the completed submission. Submit proof in Microsoft Word format.
Submissions not in Word format and loaded to the Unit 9 Dropbox will result in
a score of zero.

Submit proof that you have submitted the Supervised Practice
Site Application to the Unit 9 Assignment Dropbox.
