ELM250 Week 9 Discussion (dq1?) Latest 2018 December



Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments

Week 9 Discussion

DQ1 California recently enacted a law that precludes willful
defiance or disruption of school activities as a reason to expel students. Do you think it is appropriate for the state
legislature to decide such an issue or should the issue be addressed by the
governing board of a school district?
Defend your answer.

DQ2 What are some of the most significant insights you have
gained from your research on legal issues and the classroom teacher in this
course? How will you or how do you hope to implement this knowledge in your
future classroom as an effective educator?


MKT301 Module 3 Discussion Latest 2019



Module 3 – Background


Required Reading

Introducing Marketing Textbook:

Creative Commons License 3.0:

John Burnett

Introducing Marketing. Retrieved from

Pub Date: 2011

ISBN 13:

Publisher: BCcampus

Read the following chapter:

8. Communicating to mass markets

Optional Readings

Understanding the Promotional Mix

Definition of IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) by Dr
Yahya Alavi

Marist College: The Importance of Measurement in Integrated
Marketing Communication

Internet Marketing (Electronic Commerce)







Marketing Week


Multimedia Marketing – The Latest Marketing Knowledge


Discussion 3: Marketing for the People!

Marketing for the People!

Organizations often require managers to write short articles
for newsletter or blog publication. Becoming comfortable writing this style of
commentary for a general audience is important in an era in which media can be
authored by anyone. You don?t want to be considered ?fake news.?

Week 1 Discussion Post

Writing for Publication

The focus of your work will be integrated marketing
communication (which includes advertising, public relations, personal selling,
sales promotion, and direct marketing). Research a controversial marketing, advertising,
or public relations scenario/event and provide an overview of it along with
your rationale for wanting write about it in next week?s article.

Don?t write an article this week; that will be next week?s
post after you have received feedback.

This post should be 1-2 paragraphs in length (at least 50
words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the
post and add a reference list in APA format.

Week 1 Interactive Responses to Classmates

1st Interactive Response:

Select one article overview and critique the rationale for
covering it. Ask questions or provide advice that will improve it.

2nd Interactive Response:

Select another article overview and critique the rationale
for covering it. Ask questions or provide advice that will improve it.

Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 50
words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say ?I agree? or ?That
is great,? Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use
research in your responses but it is not required.

Week 2 Discussion Post

Write a 150- to 300-word article that discusses the
real-word marketing incident you brainstormed last week. Today?s consumers of
media want quick, informative, and exciting information. It can be written in
the first or third person.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the
body of the post and add a reference list in APA format.

Week 2 Interactive Responses to Classmates

1st Interactive Response:

Select one article written by a classmate and share your
feelings about the marketing incident.

2nd Interactive Response:

Choose a second classmate?s article and explain what you
would have done in the situation if you were the marketing manager or company

Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 50
words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say ?I agree? or ?That
is great.? Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use
research in your responses but it is not required.

In your own words, respond to the discussion and comments of
classmates. Grades will be based on effectual, concise and interactive
feedback. The excessive use of quotes will directly impact performance since
this indicates a lack of comprehension and shows that you may not have mastered
the concepts.


MKT301 Module 2 Discussion Latest 2019



Module 2 – Background


Required Reading

Introducing Marketing Textbook:

Creative Commons License 3.0:

John Burnett

Introducing Marketing. Retrieved from

Pub Date: 2011

ISBN 13:

Publisher: BCcampus

Read the following chapters:

3. Marketing
research: An aid to decision making

4. Understanding
buyer behavior

10. Channel concepts: Distributing the product

Short Video Lectures

Why Market Research is Important


1.2 The History of Marketing Research

The importance of studying consumer behavior

Millennials: Changing Consumer Behavior: Goldman Sachs’
Lindsay Drucker Mann

Gen-Z Matters More than Millennials: Goldman Sachs’
Christopher Wolf

Understanding distribution channels


Distribution Channels

Optional Reading

Marketing Research and Intelligence Association


Occupational Outlook Handbook -Market Research Analysts


Marketing Research Association


A Model of Industrial Buyer Behavior


Consumer Behavior: The Psychology of Marketing


Distribution: Channels and Logistics


Channels of Distribution



US Census Bureau: American Fact Finder Database




Association for Consumer Research


Discussion 2: The Marketing Mix: Value Added

This week we begin to focus on the marketing mix, and
marketing mix planning begins with developing an offer that brings value to
customers. At the heart of this offer is your product/service.

Week 1 Discussion Post

Using the product/service chosen in Module 1 complete the

Explain what product/service you are working with (this
paragraph can be reused during class).

Discuss the qualities that make this product/service new to
the marketplace and the rationale for your decision to pursue the concept.

Not including the first paragraph describing your product,
this post should be 1-2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). If you are
engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a
reference list in APA format.

Week 1 Interactive Responses to Classmates

1st Interactive Response:

Select one post from a classmate and critically analyze the
rationale provided for marketing the product/service.

2nd Interactive Response:

Choose another classmate?s post and provide consumer

Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 50
words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say ?I agree? or ?That
is great?, specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use
research in your responses but it is not required.

Week 2 Discussion Post

Provide the quick overview of the product or service.

Identify your target market. Provide a specific demographic
profile and rationale for this decision. Consider the size of the market and
its purchasing power.

A source that may help you: The US Census Bureau’s American
Fact Finder. Research is required to back-up your selection and to provide
statistics to show that it is a viable market.

Not including the first paragraph describing your product,
this post should be 1-2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). Since you
are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a
reference list in APA format.

Week 2 Interactive Responses to Classmates

1st Interactive Response:

Select a classmate?s post and critically analyze the
proposed target market. Is it a good fit?

2nd Interactive Response:

Select a second classmate?s post and critically analyze the
research used to support the choice of target market. Is it a sufficient?

Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 50
words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say ?I agree? or ?That
is great.? Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use
research in your responses but it is not required.

In your own words, respond to the discussion and comments of
classmates. Grades will be based on effectual, concise and interactive
feedback. The excessive use of quotes will directly impact performance since
this indicates a lack of comprehension and shows that you may not have mastered
the concepts.

Grading Note:

At Trident University International, rubrics are used for
grading. These rubrics specify the points available for each component of an
assignment. Points are earned based on the level of work submitted.


MGT605 All Weeks Discussions Latest 2019 January



Leadership and Organizations

Week 1

DQ1 In many organizations, being “people-centered”
is considered soft, irrelevant, and unrelated to profitability. Contemplate the
Conscious Capitalism principles (i.e. conscious leadership, stakeholder
orientation, conscious culture, and higher purpose) as a framework and consider
at least two companies that have successfully adopted this business philosophy
to gain success and combat traditional corporate approaches. How do these
companies embody the tenet of “higher purpose” and create deeper
meaning by focusing their goals beyond profits and inspiring their
stakeholders? What connections can you identify between the four principles of
Conscious Capitalism and the Christian concept of putting others before

DQ2 Review the “Skills Exhibited by an Effective
Manager” (Table 1-2 in Organizational Behavior). Identify your particular
areas of strength and discuss opportunities for your own development as a

Leadership and Organizations

Week 2

DQ1 Discuss the role that emotional intelligence (EI) plays
in the self-leadership. Be sure to provide an analysis of all four dimensions
of EI (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship
management) in your response.

DQ2 Refer to the results of your “Rokeach Values
Survey” that you completed for this week’s assignment


What are your major terminal and instrumental values? Which
values, terminal or instrumental, are valid predictors of career success in the
workplace? To what extent do you believe your personal values are aligned with
the values of your organization?? What impact does this have on your sense of
belongingness/fit with your organization?

Leadership and Organizations

Week 3

DQ1 What is the current design of your job? Assume that the
opportunity arose for you to utilize the idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) in
redesigning your job. What would you do to make your job inherently more
motivating? How would you design the feedback and reward systems in the new
job? Be sure to include comments on two content theories and two process
theories and highlight the significance of each theory.

DQ2 Goal setting research suggests that people should be
given difficult goals. Provide an explanation that reconciles this research
finding with expectancy theory. Use a practical example (preferably work
related) to illustrate this.

Leadership and Organizations

Week 4

DQ1 Refer to Figure 11-2 in the Organizational Behavior
textbook. Which of the reasons for team failure have you experienced and how
would you do things differently to ensure that any team you are involved in
will be successful? Research the tenet of conscious culture and explain its
role in promoting successful teams.

DQ2 Although virtual teams are becoming more prevalent,
there have been mixed reviews on their effectiveness. Read “The Best
Online Platforms for Virtual Meetings,” “5 Tips for Virtual
Collaboration,” and “Yahoo Orders Homeworkers Back to the
Office.” Discuss the steps you would take to manage a successful virtual
team (be sure to discuss how you would choose a platform to use and guidelines
for monitoring virtual team performance).

Leadership and Organizations

Week 5

DQ1 Many types of negotiations occur in business settings.
This example is indicative of the ethical dilemmas inherent in many

Assume for a moment that you are the owner and CEO of a
small machine and tool company. You have 35 employees, most of whom are highly
skilled machinists who belong to a local union. Generally, you are an open
manager with an abiding sense of fair play and ethics. For this reason, you have
been able to attract workers who are skilled and committed to the company’s
long-term success. In fact, labor relations are calm ? even harmonious. For
example, contract violations are usually handled between you and shop stewards
in a problem-solving context with an almost complete absence of acrimony or
contentiousness. Now, however, you face a serious and unprecedented issue. Due
to an economic downturn, business activity has taken a sharp decline with the
expectation that things will get much worse. You have just met with your
accountant who has informed you there is no other choice but to lay off people
or reduce wages. Your initial meeting with the union representatives shocked
you into reality because it was filled with divisiveness, arguing, name-calling,
and even occasional profanity. Things turn much worse in the second meeting
because the union lawyers are present. After reading the article “Ethics
in Negotiation: Oil and Water or Good Lubrication,” you are stunned to
discover that the deceptive tactics outlined in the article read like a primer
for what the union is doing. Answer the following questions based on the case
and the article:

What type of conflict is occurring in this case, and what
conflict management style would you, as the manager use? Justify your choice.

What are the challenges to effective communication in this
case and how can these challenges be mitigated?

How would evidence-based decision making help in resolving
this case?

DQ2 Workers increasingly rely on means of technology-mediated
communication in the workplace. Besides e-mail, workers commonly utilize tools,
such as instant messaging and virtual meeting spaces, to regularly interact
with coworkers and clients. How do you think such tools impact interpersonal
dynamics in the workplace? What are the benefits and challenges of these tools?
How might those challenges be overcome?

Leadership and Organizations

Week 6

DQ1 Conduct some web-based research into one organization
that professes to have adopted a servant leadership philosophy (e.g., SWA,
Men’s Warehouse, TDIndustries). What are the organization’s values? Compare
these organizations to another in the same industry using major performance
metrics (employee turnover, market share, profitability, etc.) and conclude
whether or not you think having a servant leader philosophy makes a significant
difference in company performance.

DQ2 Read the article, “Leaders, Too, Need
Support.” How do you see yourself in the role of supportive follower? What
power bases would a supportive follower be more likely to employ? What
challenges do you have with this concept? What can you do to overcome those

Leadership and Organizations

Week 7

DQ1 One of your managers hears you have just completed your
MBA. He looks at you and smirks and says, “All this emphasis on
relationships is overrated. I have always made it clear to my subordinates what
they need to do if they want to remain employed. All I have to say to them is
‘get it done and you will get rewarded, and if not, there will be
consequences.’ It truly is that simple! Developing relationships with employees
and suppliers or contractors, all that stuff is only good in the textbooks. It
never delivers results.” Prepare a response to this manager and post it on
the discussion board.

DQ2 Contrast the tradeoffs involved when an organization
decides it is going to restructure. Be sure that you evaluate the critical
organizational design variables that you would want to consider if you were
heading up such a project. Next, evaluate the organizational chart for your
current organization. Provide recommendations for revising the organizational
design so it more effectively serves the mission of the firm and its many

Leadership and Organizations

Week 8

DQ1 Discuss the ethical implications of a leader’s role in
the socialization of new hires into the preexisting culture of an organization.
What responsibility does a company have to inform newly hired persons that it
wants to shape their values, perceptions, and behavior to conform to the
organization’s culture? What impact does socialization have on both individual
and organizational effectiveness? Considering the concept of putting others
before oneself from Topic 1, how could this same concept affect a company’s
culture in regards to its organizational effectiveness?

DQ2 Contrast the corporate values espoused by two Fortune
500 companies. Select two firms that seem to manifest very different cultures.
Your response should focus on the tradeoffs you would experience working in the
two firms in terms of the values you bring to the workplace. How might your
values fit in or clash with the culture of these two organizations?


MGT605 Week 8 Discussion (dq1?) Latest 2019 January



Leadership and Organizations

Week 8

DQ1 Discuss the ethical implications of a leader’s role in
the socialization of new hires into the preexisting culture of an organization.
What responsibility does a company have to inform newly hired persons that it
wants to shape their values, perceptions, and behavior to conform to the
organization’s culture? What impact does socialization have on both individual
and organizational effectiveness? Considering the concept of putting others
before oneself from Topic 1, how could this same concept affect a company’s
culture in regards to its organizational effectiveness?

DQ2 Contrast the corporate values espoused by two Fortune
500 companies. Select two firms that seem to manifest very different cultures.
Your response should focus on the tradeoffs you would experience working in the
two firms in terms of the values you bring to the workplace. How might your
values fit in or clash with the culture of these two organizations?
