MGT605 Week 4 Discussion (dq1?) Latest 2019 January



Leadership and Organizations

Week 4

DQ1 Refer to Figure 11-2 in the Organizational Behavior
textbook. Which of the reasons for team failure have you experienced and how
would you do things differently to ensure that any team you are involved in
will be successful? Research the tenet of conscious culture and explain its
role in promoting successful teams.

DQ2 Although virtual teams are becoming more prevalent,
there have been mixed reviews on their effectiveness. Read “The Best
Online Platforms for Virtual Meetings,” “5 Tips for Virtual
Collaboration,” and “Yahoo Orders Homeworkers Back to the
Office.” Discuss the steps you would take to manage a successful virtual
team (be sure to discuss how you would choose a platform to use and guidelines
for monitoring virtual team performance).


MGT605 Week 1 Discussion (dq1?) Latest 2019 January



Leadership and Organizations

Week 1

DQ1 In many organizations, being “people-centered”
is considered soft, irrelevant, and unrelated to profitability. Contemplate the
Conscious Capitalism principles (i.e. conscious leadership, stakeholder
orientation, conscious culture, and higher purpose) as a framework and consider
at least two companies that have successfully adopted this business philosophy
to gain success and combat traditional corporate approaches. How do these
companies embody the tenet of “higher purpose” and create deeper
meaning by focusing their goals beyond profits and inspiring their
stakeholders? What connections can you identify between the four principles of
Conscious Capitalism and the Christian concept of putting others before

DQ2 Review the “Skills Exhibited by an Effective
Manager” (Table 1-2 in Organizational Behavior). Identify your particular
areas of strength and discuss opportunities for your own development as a


HLT305 Week 9 Assignment Global Comparative Analysis of Health Care Resources and Access Latest 2019 January



Legal and Ethical Principles in Health Care

Week 9 Assignment

Global Comparative Analysis of Health Care Resources and

Explore the World Fact Book page of Central Intelligence
Agency website at
Select two countries from among those represented on the global map on the
webpage. Hovering over the map with your computer?s mouse will highlight the
countries represented, but you may also type the country?s name in the search
box provided.

Create a table that compares the following factors for the
United States and the two countries selected (for a total of three countries
represented on the table):

Income and Economy (Economy tab):

Population Below the poverty line (A measure of extreme

Gross Domestic Product per capita (PPP).

Programs, Funding, and Financing (People and Society tab):

Total % GDP expenditures on health.

Availability of funding assistance from other countries

Health care workforce and capacity to provide care
(Physicians Density).

Other Diseases, Conditions, and Risk Indicators:

Spotlight on Diseases/Conditions (HIV/Aids Prevalence Rate;
Obesity ? adult prevalence rate; Children under the age of 5 years

Population with sustainable access to improved water source
(Drinking Water Source).

Population with sustainable access to improved sanitation
(Sanitation facility access).

Based on the comparative table you developed, rank the
countries according to access, cost, and sustainability. Which of the countries
is the most sustainable and why? Which of the countries is least sustainable
and why? Rationale must be provided with your responses.

While APA format is not required for the body of this
assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and
references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be
found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are not required to submit this assignment to


HLT305 Week 8 Assignment (Benchmark Assignment) Applying Decision-Making Models in Health Care Latest 2019 January



Legal and Ethical Principles in Health Care

Week 8 Assignment

(Benchmark Assignment) Applying Decision-Making Models in
Health Care

This is a benchmark assignment.

Choose an ethical decision-making model from among the
following three discussed in the lecture and other readings: Nash?s 12
Questions for Moral Choices, Kidder?s Ethical Checkpoints, and Uustal?s Ethical
Decision-Making Model. Apply your chosen model to the following ethical

Your terminally ill patient told you at her last visit that,
since her pain could no longer be completely controlled by any means, and in
her opinion she was just waiting to die, she was going to Holland to
participate in its physician-assisted suicide program.

What would your advice to this patient be? In a 500-750 word
paper, include a letter to your patient offering your insights and recommendations
regarding this decision.

In addition, following your letter, include a subsection in
which you address the following when completing this assignment:

Explain the theory of the chosen ethical decision-making
model as it relates to this scenario. What effect have this and other models
had on medical practice over the years?

Should a doctor be able to end the life of an individual who
is suffering and who has no hope of recovery? Why or why not?

How might a living will be used, or not, to guide an
individual’s end of life decisions?

How does the use of technology complicate the dying process?

Include at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references
from the GCU Library to support your positions.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines
found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An
abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric
prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


HLT305 Week 7 Assignment Professional Responsibility and Protection of the Public Latest 2019 January



Legal and Ethical Principles in Health Care

Week 7 Assignment

Professional Responsibility and Protection of the Public

Select one study from the following list:

Nazi Germany Experiments (WWII)

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1932-1972)

Statesville Penitentiary Malaria Study (1940s)

Human Radiation Experiments of 1946

Germ Warfare Tests (1949-1969)

Willowbrook Study (1963-1966)


Develop a slide presentation, containing a title slide,
10-12 slides of content, and a references slide, focusing on the chosen study.
Your presentation must incorporate:

A summary of the study conducted which includes a
description of the intended outcome and a description of the population
selected to participate.

A discussion of the risks associated with participation and
whether or not study participants were informed and fully aware of the
potential risks.

A discussion of whether or not the rights and welfare of
participants were protected.

A discussion of the ethical issues related to the conduct of
research and the role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) in protecting
research participants.

To create your presentation you can use PowerPoint or a
program such as Prezi ( Speaker?s notes must be included for
each individual slide. A minimum of three references must be used.

While APA format is not required for the body of this
assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and
references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be
found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric
prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
