NURS5650 Week 6 Assignment 1 Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice



Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice

Psychiatric mental health nursing practice is one of the
newest disciplines to be licensed to provide psychotherapy As such, the
majority of psychotherapy research is centered on other disciplines such as
psychology, social work, marriage/family therapy, art therapy, psychiatry, and
mental health counseling. This makes it essential for you to be able to
translate current literature from other disciplines into your own clinical
practice. For this Assignment, you practice this skill by examining literature on
group work and group therapy and considering its applicability to your own

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Evaluate the application of current literature to clinical

To prepare:

Review this week?s Learning Resources and reflect on the
insights they provide on group work and group therapy.

Select one of the articles from the Learning Resources to
evaluate for this Assignment.

Note: In nursing practice, it is not uncommon to review
current literature and share findings with your colleagues. Approach this
Assignment as though you were presenting the information to your colleagues.

The Assignment

In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the

Provide an overview of the article you selected, including
answers to the following questions:

What type of group was discussed?

Who were the participants in the group? Why were they

What was the setting of the group?

How often did the group meet?

What was the duration of the group therapy?

What curative factors might be important for this group and

What ?exclusion criteria? did the authors mention?

Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article.
Include whether this will translate into practice with your own client groups.
If so, how? If not, why?

Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact
your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article.

Note: The presentation should be 5?10 slides, not including
the title and reference slides. Include presenter notes (no more than a half
page per slide) and use tables and/or diagrams where appropriate. Be sure to
support your work with specific citations from the article you selected.
Support your presentation with evidence-based literature.


GCU ACC650 Week 1 Quiz October Latest 2019



A custom-home builder would likely utilize:

joint costing.

process budgeting.

job-order costing.

process costing.

mass customization.

? Harrison
Industries began July with a finished-goods inventory of $48,000. The
finished-goods inventory at the end of July was $56,000 and the cost of goods
sold during the month was $125,000. The cost of goods manufactured during July










None of the answers is correct.

? Shu
Corporation recently computed total product costs of $567,000 and total period
costs of $420,000, excluding $35,000 of sales commissions that were overlooked
by the company’s administrative assistant. On the basis of this information,
Shu?s income statement should reveal operating expenses of:











? Which of
the following is not an element of competency?


To refrain from engaging in an activity that would discredit
the accounting profession.


To prepare clear reports after an analysis of relevant and
reliable information.


To develop appropriate knowledge about a particular subject.


To perform duties in accordance with relevant technical


To perform duties in accordance with relevant laws.

? Metalica
Company applies overhead based on machine hours. At the beginning of 20×1, the
company estimated that manufacturing overhead would be $500,000, and machine
hours would total 20,000. By 20×1 year-end, actual overhead totaled $525,000,
and actual machine hours were 25,000. On the basis of this information, the
20×1 predetermined overhead rate was:


$0.04 per machine hour.


$25 per machine hour.


$21 per machine hour.


$0.05 per machine hour.


$20 per machine hour.

? The value
chain of a manufacturer would tend to include activities related to:






product design.


all of the answers are correct.


research and development.

? Farrina
Manufacturing uses a predetermined overhead application rate of $8 per direct
labor hour. A review of the company’s accounting records for the year just
ended discovered the following:

Underapplied manufacturing overhead: $7,200

Actual manufacturing overhead: $392,000

Budgeted labor hours: 50,000

Simone’s actual labor hours worked totaled:




cannot be determined based on the information presented.







? Conversion
costs are:


direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.


direct labor and manufacturing overhead.


period costs.


prime costs.


direct material and direct labor.

? Under- or
overapplied manufacturing overhead at year-end is most commonly:


prorated among Work-in-Process Inventory, Finished-Goods
Inventory, and Cost of Goods Sold.


ignored because there is no effect on the Cash account.


charged or credited to Cost of Goods Sold.


charged or credited to Work-in-Process Inventory.


charged or credited to a special loss account.

Strategic cost management is:


cost-causing factors.


the process of managing cost relationships to the firm?s


the process of determining cost drivers.


two of the answers are correct.


the recognition of the importance of cost relationships
among the activities in the value chain.

Which of the following employees would not be classified as
indirect labor?

Plant Custodian.

An employee that packs products for shipment.


Plant security guard.

A line employee that produces parts for chairs using a saw
and template.

? Which of
the following is not a drawback of actual costing?


Costs avoid the estimation associated with predetermined
overhead rates.


Actual overhead costs may only be available after a
production period has passed.


Costs may not be evenly spread throughout the year due to
large payments for overhead costs.


All of these are drawbacks of actual costing.


Costs are subject to cyclicality.

? Gonzales
Company has developed an integrated system that coordinates the flow of all
goods, services, and information into and out of the organization, working with
raw material vendors as well as customers to improve service and reduce costs.
The firm is said to be using:


participative management.


management by objectives (MBO).


supply chain management.


strategic cost management.



top-down management.

? Guaranteed
Appliance Co. produces washers and dryers in an assembly-line process. Labor
costs incurred during a recent period were: corporate executives, $500,000;
assembly-line workers, $180,000; security guards, $45,000; and plant
supervisor, $110,000. The total of Guaranteed?s direct labor cost was:











? How
should a company that manufactures automobiles classify its partially completed


Finished goods inventory.


Raw materials inventory.


Cost of goods manufactured.


Work-in-process inventory.



? In order
for a company to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, it must:


perform at lower quality and higher cost than competitors.


perform one or more activities in the value chain at the
same quality level as its competitors.


perform all activities in the value chain at the same
quality level as its competitors.


two of the answers are correct.


perform its value chain activities at a higher quality level
than one of its competitors.

? Given the
following information, what is the cost of unused capacity? Cost of material
supplied is $8,600; Cost of material used is $8,000; Cost of material used per
shelf is $8; Cost of material supplied per shelf is $8.60.






There is no unused capacity.





? When
selecting a volume-based cost driver, the goal is to:


choose a period where a cost driver is at a low level so
that overhead costs will be at a low level.


choose an input that varies in a pattern that is most
similar to the pattern with which overhead costs vary.


choose labor hours for a computer-integrated manufacturing


None of these are goals when selecting a volume-based cost


eliminate complexity by using a plantwide overhead rate for
all of a firm?s products.

What would the cost of fire insurance for a manufacturing
plant generally be categorized as?


Product cost.


Period cost.


Direct material cost.


Direct labor cost.


Prime cost.

? The
estimates used to calculate the predetermined overhead rate will virtually


prove to be correct.


result in a year-end balance of zero in the Manufacturing
Overhead account.


result in underapplied overhead that is closed to Cost of
Goods Sold if it is immaterial in amount.


result in either underapplied or overapplied overhead that
is closed to Cost of Goods Sold if it is immaterial in amount.


result in overapplied overhead that is closed to Cost of
Goods Sold if it is immaterial in amount.


Capella University MAT2051 Unit 2 Assignment Latest 2019



Graded Problem Set

Complete the following problems from your text. These
problems are chosen to parallel the problems in The Practice Problem Sets study
for this unit, so it is recommended to do those first, then post and discuss in
the Practice Problem Set Review discussion so you are better prepared for this

Section 3.1, pages 125?126, problems 21, 63.

Section 3.2, pages 137?140, problems 27, 148.

Section 3.3, page 150, problem 31.

Section 3.4, page 156, problems 2, 12.

Section 3.5, pages 163?164, problems 3, 10.

Section 3.6, page 169, problem 12.

Section 3.1, page 125-126 problem 21,63

21. f(n)=2n

63. Let f be the function from X={0, 1, 2, 3,
4}X={0, 1, 2, 3, 4} to X defined by


Write f as a set of ordered pairs and draw the arrow diagram
of f. Is f one-to-one? Is f onto?

Section 3.2, page 137-140
problem 27,148

27.Is v increasing?

148. Find all substrings of the string aabaabb.

Section 3.3, page 150 problem 31

31. (x, y)?R(x, y)?R if 3
divides x?y.

Section 3.4, page 156 problem 2, 12

2. {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (1, 3), (3, 1),
(3, 4), (4, 3)}

12. {(x, y)|x and y have, at some time, lived in the same

Section 3.5, page 163-165 problem 3, 10

3.R={(x, a), (x, c), (y, a), (y, b), (z, d)};R={(x, a), (x,
c), (y, a), (y, b), (z, d)}; ordering of X : x, y, z; ordering of Y : a, b, c,

Section 3.6, page 169 problem 12

12. Find all employees in department 04.


NUR6650 Week 9 Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction



1: Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction

selecting a psychotherapeutic approach for a client, you must consider the
unique needs and characteristics of that particular client. The same is true
when selecting a psychotherapeutic approach for groups. Not every approach is
appropriate for every group, and the group?s unique needs and characteristics
must be considered. For this Assignment, you examine psychotherapeutic
approaches to group therapy for addiction.



psychotherapeutic approaches to group therapy for addiction

To prepare:

Review this
week?s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on group
therapy for addiction.

View the
media, Levy Family: Sessions 1-7, and consider the psychotherapeutic approaches
being used.


In a 2- to
3-page paper, address the following:

the psychotherapeutic approach that the group facilitator is using, and explain
why she might be using this approach.

whether or not you would use the same psychotherapeutic approach if you were
the counselor facilitating this group, and justify your decision.

Identify an
alternative approach to group therapy for addiction, and explain why it is an
appropriate option.

your position with evidence-based literature.


NKU MSN610 Module 1 Comprehensive History Assignment



Submit a
complete History on Carolyn Cross via
I-Human (History ONLY). Use the attached template and follow the grading rubric
for all the components necessary. There MUST be at least 3 items reviewed for
each body system in the ROS. Submit the written History Document via
CANVAS. The complete history is worth a
MAX of 3 points. Use the template to review what to include. Use the Grading
Rubrics and for points value. The Case Study
in Module 6 is a good example of how to write up a complete history.

Kentucky University

MSN 610:
Diagnostic Reasoning and Advanced Physical Assessment

Case Study

SF is a 52
year old female who presents to your exam room with complaints of numbness
& tingling in R hand and leg. She states she noticed some dizziness
yesterday when she got up out of bed. Then later yesterday afternoon she
started to have trouble with her vision in her R eye. She states it seemed to
be harder to see everything. Today she continues with vision problems and now
with numbness & tingling. She states she does not remember if she took her
medications this morning.

PMH: Hypertension,
Endometriosis, DM II.

History: Total Hysterectomy at age 50 due to Endometriosis

Lisinopril 20 mg BID and Metformin 500 mg BID

FH: Father
living @ age 75 with MI and CABG

Mother living @ age 73 with A-fib,
Hypertension and DM II


SH: Single.
Lives in rural farmhouse. Works teaching 6th grade. Smoking ½ ppd x 20 years.
Denies ETOH or other drugs


General: No
weight changes, fatigue, fever or chills

headache x 3 days, No headache, hair loss, Dizziness Vision loss, No
hearing loss, No tinnitus, congestion, nosebleeds, sore throat, or dysphagia

Neck: No
swollen glands, or stiffness

dyspnea, cough, wheezing, or sputum

chest pain, PND, Swelling or sleep difficulties until last pm. Palpitations

GI: No
appetite changes N/V/D. Constipation

GU: No
menses x 2 yrs. No bloody urine or stool, painful urination, incontinence

trouble walking, ?dragging R foot? No pain, stiffness, edema in extremities,
trouble holding coffee cup this AM

PE: HT: 56?
WT: 150 lbs BP 170/92 HR:110
Resp: 20 O2 Sat: 96% Temp: 98.6

Alert, confused 52 yo female, appearing older than stated age with disheveled

Normocephalic, Atraumatic. R eye with slowed pupil response. L eye pupil
reactive. R mouth droop.

EOM normal.
Limited vision in R peripheral fields. Ear canals clear, TM gray with normal
structures. Nares patent w/o flaring. Pharynx clear without erythema or edema.
Missing molars bilaterally.

Trachea midline. No Thyromegaly. No Lymphadenopathy. No JVD

Resp: Lungs
clear with equal bilateral expansion. Fremitus equal.

Irregular, rapid S1S2 No murmurs, rubs or gallops. PMI @ 4th ICS, MCL.

ABD: soft,
non-tender BS x 4 quads, No guarding, tenderness or organomegaly

Ext: Warm
and dry. pitting edema bilateral LE to knees. radial and pedal pulses

MS: R hand
grip weaker than L hand, pronator drift, abnormal gait with favoring R leg.
Decreased muscle strength in RLE with passive extension. Decreased sensation


Discuss the
abnormal history, physical and lab findings. What is your 1st differential
diagnosis? What are the cardinal risk factors for this diagnosis? What other
conditions are in your differential diagnoses? What other diagnostic tests and
interventions would you order from your office?
