N511 Module 1 Assignment Latest 2018 October



Advanced Pharmacology

Module 1

Remember to submit your work following the file naming
convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx.
Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will
automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the
assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any
additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional
research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources

3. Consider the course discussions so far and any insights
gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite
your sources if needed, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.


Be sure to note the required essay lengths. Additionally,
each question should have at least one scholarly source other than the


Access the FDA?s current and resolved drug shortages and
discontinuations list
(http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/default.cfm). Locate one
drug used in your practice, and discuss the implications of its shortage. What
alternatives are available and what are the similarities and differences
between the two medications? What complications could arise due to a shortage
of this drug?

Athletes addicted to pain medications is an issue often seen
on the news. Discuss how this situation occurs, and what steps can be taken to
resolve the issue.

Professional Development

Choose one drug of abuse, legal or illegal. In an essay
discuss steps for safe withdrawal for the drug, possible medication
interactions, and complications that must be considered in emergency settings
for a patient addicted and overdosed on this drug. Please include at least one
scholarly source other than the textbook.

In an essay, explain what the difference is between a
medication allergy and a medication sensitivity. Then, choose one medication
allergy you commonly see in your practice. What cross-sensitivities could
patients with this medication allergy experience? What potential complications
and reactions could this patient have and what treatment is available? Please
include at least one scholarly source other than the textbook


N512 All Modules Discussions Latest 2018 October



N512 Diverse Populations and Health

Module 1 Discussion

Review various definitions of ?ethnocentrism? as provided by
your textbook and other internet resources. Create your own definition for this
term. Give an example of how ethnocentrism has had an affect (positive or
negative) on a patient you have come into contact with in the delivery of
healthcare services. Describe how ethnocentrism may have impacted the health
and well-being of the patient and their future encounters with the healthcare

N512 Diverse Populations and Health

Module 2 Discussion

Why is self-knowledge and understanding a critical step in
achieving cultural competence? How has the ?cultural self-assessment? exercise
influenced your awareness of personal and professional values, attitudes, and
practices, including prejudices and biases? How will your interactions with
patients and families change as a result of this self-reflection?

N512 Diverse Populations and Health

Module 3 Discussion

Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article
related to the health or health care practices of African-American, European
American, or Appalachian people. Present a summary of the journal article, and
examine how the information presented may impact your nursing practice. Please
provide a copy of the journal article (or hyperlink) if possible.

N512 Diverse Populations and Health

Module 4 Discussion

Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article
related to the health or health care practices of Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto
Rican people. Present a summary of the journal article, and examine how the
information presented may impact your nursing practice. Please provide a copy
of the journal article (or hyperlink) if possible.

N512 Diverse Populations and Health

Module 5 Discussion

Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article
related to the health or health care practices of Amish, American Indian,
Alaska Native, or Jewish people. Present a summary of the journal article, and
examine how the information presented may impact your nursing practice. Please
provide a copy of the journal article (or hyperlink) if possible.

N512 Diverse Populations and Health

Module 6 Discussion

Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article
related to the health or health care practices of Chinese, Japanese, and
Filipino people. Present a summary of the journal article, and examine how the
information presented may impact your nursing practice. Please provide a copy
of the journal article (or hyperlink) if possible.

N512 Diverse Populations and Health

Module 7 Discussion

Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article
related to the health or health care practices of German, Irish, or Italian
people. Present a summary of the journal article, and examine how the
information presented may impact your nursing practice. Please provide a copy
of the journal article (or hyperlink) if possible.

N512 Diverse Populations and Health

Module 8 Discussion

Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article
related to the health or health care practices of Arab, Iranian, and Baltic
people. Present a summary of the journal article, and examine how the
information presented may impact your nursing practice. Please provide a copy
of the journal article (or hyperlink) if possible.


N520 Module 8 Discussion Latest 2018 October



N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in

Module 8 Discussion

Please respond to ONE of the following prompts.

What questions on employment questionnaires or during
employment interviews is the nurse allowed not to answer and should never have
been asked?


How does the doctrine of indemnification further the concept
that individuals are ultimately responsible for their own actions?


DNP840 All Modules Assignments Latest 2018 November



Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Module 1 Assignment


The History of Healthcare Finance – Write a 2000-2500 word
essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Support your ideas
with at least three (3) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA
guidelines to format the paper. The cover page and reference page do not count
towards the minimum word amount and an abstract and table of contents are not
necessary and if included are not part of the overall word count.

Healthcare finance has change drastically since 1950. Please
discuss the changes that have occurred and the effect on healthcare delivery
with each change.

Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Module 2 Assignment


Insurance and Payer Sources – Develop a 15 slide PowerPoint
presentation. Be thorough and include rational and references for your

Imagine you have been asked to present a presentation on
payer sources and insurances to the board of governors. Develop a presentation
that describes the reimbursement entities and how reimbursement is influenced
by the organizations responsible for reimbursement.

Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Module 3 Assignment


Strategic Planning and Capital Budgets – Write a 2000-2500
word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Support your
ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA
guidelines to format the paper. The cover page and reference page do not count
towards the minimum word amount and an abstract and table of contents are not
necessary and if included are not part of the overall word count.

Describe the strategic planning process for and
organizations. Include legal and ethical considerations for each part of the
strategic planning process.

Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Module 4 Assignment


Budgeting in Healthcare – Write a 2000-2500 word essay
addressing each of the following points/questions. Support your ideas with at
least three (3) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA guidelines to
format the paper. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the
minimum word amount and an abstract and table of contents are not necessary and
if included are not part of the overall word count.

Provide a budget from a healthcare organization and describe
and define each entry in the budget.

Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Module 5 Assignment


Financial Statements and Quality Patient Care – Your
interview should be 2000-2500 words and should include at least three (3)
citations. Clearly mark each heading to identify the interviews and summaries.
Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. Be sure to use APA guidelines for
referencing in an interview.

Interview a Nursing Leader. Develop questions that reveal
how leadership uses the financial statement to develop quality patient care.
Include challenges to the process as well as successes.

Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Module 6 Assignment


Data Collection and Education – Develop a 15 slide
PowerPoint presentation. Be thorough and include rational and references for
your recommendations.

As a nursing leader you have been ask to assess to educate
staff on the data points necessary for developing an accurate financial
statement. Educate the staff on accuracy and what data points are necessary
when developing a financial plan. Be sure to define terms for the staff.

Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Module 7 Assignment


Entrepreneurship – Write a 2000-2500 word essay addressing
each of the following points/questions. Support your ideas with at least three
(3) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA guidelines to format the
paper. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word
amount and an abstract and table of contents are not necessary and if included
are not part of the overall word count.

Describe an innovative idea you have been entertaining. Include
what grants you could write and the potential outcomes of the idea. Include how
entrepreneurship drives successful healthcare innovation. In this assignment
you can discuss any idea you can imagine but be sure to include the financial
implications of implementing the plan.

Strategic Planning and Financial Management

Module 8 Assignment


**BENCHMARK** Global Healthcare in the 21st Century – Write
a 3000-10000 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions.
Support your ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations in your essay.
Use strict APA guidelines to format the paper. The cover page and reference
page do not count towards the minimum word amount and an abstract and table of
contents are not necessary and if included are not part of the overall word

Develop a financial strategy for using global nursing
strategies to increase fiscal responsibility. Include the positive and negative
financial impact of bringing foreign healthcare providers into a financial
organization. Examples such as physicians, nurses, and therapist should be
evaluated and assessed for financial viability.


N511 Module 4 Discussion Latest 2018 October



Advanced Pharmacology

Module 4 Discussion

Discuss the treatment of Hepatitis C. Chose two
pharmaceutical treatments for Hepatitis C and compare and contrast their
mechanisms of action, side effects, and special considerations. Locate at least
one scholarly website or video that discusses one of the medications.


Many primary care providers today are ?talked into?
prescribing antibiotics when they are unnecessary simply to save patient
satisfaction rates and reimbursement. You are the primary care provider for a
patient with the rhinovirus. The patient has asked for an antibiotic to treat
his or her symptoms and is not happy with your response. How would you explain
the seriousness of unnecessary antibiotics to this patient, while attempting to
preserve patient satisfaction? Locate at least one scholarly website or video
that discusses antibiotic misuse.

Your initial posting should be 200 to 300 words in length
and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply
to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 100 words
in length. To properly ?thread? your discussion posting, please click on REPLY.
