Devry HSM543 Week 8 Final Exam Latest 2019



Question 1 This act
eliminated the requirement of a prior hospitalization requirement for home
health services reimbursement and eliminated the limitation on the number of
home health visits.

Group of answer choices

National Health Planning and Resource Development Act of



Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993

Question 2 The SCHIP
Benefits Improvement and Protection Act included provisions for which of the

Group of answer choices

Increased mental health funding

Increased funding for independent children’s hospitals to
train pediatricians

Increased funding to train nurses

Increased funding for pediatric oncology

None of the above

Question 3 Internal rate of return can be used to evaluate
projects for a capital budget. The answer will be in

Group of answer choices




comparative numbers for each alternative.

comparison to the payback period.

Question 4 The toughest criterion to quantify, but one that
must be documented for capital budget items, is

Group of answer choices

who proposed the project (e.g., a valued physician).

nonfinancial benefits, including community needs or medical
staff politics.

prior submissions for the same project.

potential for related referrals.

competitors with the same service whose volume will prevent
us from ever being competitive on pricing.

Question 5 Influencing method and amount of payment is one
of the six major objectives of healthcare financial management. Which of the
following is not a method of influencing the method or amount of payment and
the associated risk?

Group of answer choices

Capitation with significant risk because the rate is agreed
to before care is given

Steep discounts even to the point of accepting less than the
cost of the service to keep market share

Assuming risk by accepting a prospective payment plan method
of reimbursement

Payments at charges from self-pay patients

None of the above

Question 6 One reason that protecting tax-exempt status is a
major goal is the attempts of

Group of answer choices

state and local governments to find new revenue sources.

pressure and challenges from for-profit competitors.

public apathy concerning tax-exempt organizations.

increasing profits and revenue streams from grants and other

None of the above

Question 7 To
minimize the cost associated with ordering inventory, a quantity of items that
should be ordered is called

Group of answer choices

safety stock.

economic order quantity and reorder point.

quantity discount.

special order.

None of the above

Question 8 (CO D) Healthcare organizations can employ two
methods to receive cash advances on outstanding accounts receivable. They are

Group of answer choices

factoring and capitalizing expenditures

factoring and pledging

pledging and capitalizing expenditures

selling accounts receivable and capitalizing expenditures

capitalizing expenditures and expensing receivables

Question 9 Is cost
plus a percentage for growth a type of contracting that helps to control costs
because it has incentives to cut costs? Describe how it works.

Question 10 What does the current asset turnover measure?
Would a higher or lower number be more desirable?

Question 11 Describe the purpose of the cash flow statement
and indicate the three categories of receipts and disbursements used on the

Question 12 Is it a correct assumption that most healthcare
entitlement spending goes to the poor?

Question 13 Discuss the role of explanatory notes.

Question 14 Discuss delinquency costs associated with
accounts receivable.

Question 15 What does the statement of cash flows show?

Question 16 What is the first step in financial analysis?

Question 17 Responding to regulations is one of the major
objectives of healthcare financial management. Explain what Nowicki means by
quasiregulations and give an example of a quasiregulation that you are familiar
with from your work or course work.

Question 18 Compare and contrast the differences in
accounting and finance.

Question 19 There are four financial statements. Briefly
describe each and then rank the statements in order of importance as if you
were the CEO of the organization (i.e., which statement would you look at first
when reviewing the period end reports?).

Question 20 Increasingly we see more medical information in
general print and electronic media. What responsibility does the media have,
and how will it impact future trends?

Question 21 The
healthcare environment is rapidly changing. What are three responses from
healthcare financial management that will affect the future trends?

Question 22 Integrated delivery systems can combine
through vertical or horizontal integration. Describe what vertical and
horizontal integration are and give an example.

Question 23 Describe asset efficiency ratios and what they
are used for.

Question 24 Discuss
closed panel HMOs.


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