Herzing NU476 Full Course Latest 2019 March



Nursing Capstone

Unit 1

Introduction & Effective Communication


As a way of introducing yourselves to the
instructor and your peers, please post the following:

Your name and a description of your current
position (If not employed, what are your expectations when you complete your

How do you see yourself applying knowledge
from this course?

Post a photo of yourself (self-portrait,
family, or action photo)

Family-centered care includes listening to
and communicating with patients, caregivers, and families. Address the

Describe elements essential to establishing
effective communication and a therapeutic relationship, which you have
integrated into your role as a nurse.

Provide an example from your current practice

Please be sure to validate your opinions
and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40
points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric
to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Peer Response:

Unit 1 Discussion – Introduction &
Effective Communication


Always construct your responses in a word
processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical
errors. Make the corrections and save the file to your computer.

Find the posts that you are going to reply

Submit your peer responses.

Please respond to a minimum of two (2)
peers. Include in your response:

Note a commonality between yourself and
your peers or something about them that you find interesting.

Comment on your peers’ examples of a
therapeutic element.

What is your experience with this?

To what extent do you feel family-centered
care is incorporated into direct and indirect patient care?

Nursing Capstone

Unit 2 Discussion

Healthcare Policy


Always construct your response in a word
processing program like Word.

Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical

Make the corrections and save the file to
your computer.

Submit the post.

Healthcare is in a state of constant
change. Nurses must be prepared to do more with less, improve the health of
populations, and provide affordable care all while creating a world-class
patient experience. Please address the following:

Summarize a local, state, national, or
global policy that has impacted healthcare.

How has your practice changed and/or
improved as a result of this policy?

Discuss the impact this policy has had on
patients and families.

Please be sure to validate your opinions
and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40
points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric
to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Healthcare Policy

Peer Response:


Always construct your responses in a word
processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical
errors. Make the corrections and save the files to your computer.

Find the posts that you are going to reply

Submit your peer responses.

Please respond to a minimum of two (2)
peers. Include in your response

Do you think that the policy has improved
the quality of patient care provided?

What additional i8mpacts could the selected
policy have on healthcare?

NU476 Nursing

Unit 3 Discussion

Quality Improvement and Evidence-Based


Always construct your response in a word
processing program like Word.

Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical

Make the corrections and save the file to
your computer.

Submit the post.

The concepts of quality improvement and
evidence-based care are essential for the BSN-prepared nurse. Please address
the following:

Provide an example of either a quality
improvement or evidence-based practice initiative that you have participated

What did the process look like and what was
your role in the initiative?

What did you learn from the experience?

Please be sure to validate your opinions
and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40
points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric
to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Peer Response: Unit 3, Due Sunday by 11:59
pm CT

Quality Improvement and Evidence-Based


Always construct your responses in a word
processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical
errors. Make the corrections and save the files to your computer.

Find the posts that you are going to reply

Submit your peer responses.

Please respond to a minimum of two (2)
peers. Include in your response:

Compare and contrast your experience
participating in a quality improvement/evidence-based practice initiative with
that of your peers.

Why are quality improvement and
evidence-based initiative important to the future of nursing?

Please be sure to validate your opinions
and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour

Nursing Capstone

Unit 4 Discussion

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


Always construct your response in a word
processing program like Word.

Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical

Make the corrections and save the file to
your computer.

Submit the post.

Summarize your Community Health
experiential learning. Address the following

Relate your project to one of the Healthy
People 2020 goals and/or objectives.

Why is health promotion and disease
prevention so important in nursing practice?

Do you envision any future opportunities to
expand your Community Health project?

Give an overview of your community’s health
promotion or disease prevention offerings. Pick one of the Healthy People goals
and evaluate your community’s efforts towards this goal.

Please be sure to validate your opinions
and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40
points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric
to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Peer Response: Unit 4, Due Sunday by 11:59
pm CT

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


Always construct your responses in a word
processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical
errors. Make the corrections and save the files to your computer.

Find the posts that you are going to reply

Submit your peer responses.

Respond to a minimum of two (2) peers.
Include in your response to their overview of their community’s health
promotion or disease prevention offerings:

Compare your community’s health
promotion/disease prevention activities to those of your peers’ community’s
efforts towards that goal.

Pick one of these activities and discuss
how you would, ideally, include a nursing role in this community initiative.

Nursing Capstone

Unit 5 Discussion

Professional Ethics and Values


Always construct your response in a word
processing program like Word.

Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical

Make the corrections and save the file to
your computer.

Submit the post.

According to the American Association of
Colleges of Nursing (2008), professional values and their related behaviors are
the foundation for effective nursing practice. Address the following:

Provide two (2) examples from your own
clinical practice that demonstrates the professional nursing practice and
principles of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and/or social

How do you “live” these
principles in your nursing practice?

Please be sure to validate your opinions
and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40
points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric
to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Peer Response: Unit 5, Due Sunday by 11:59
pm CT

Professional Ethics and Values


Always construct your responses in a word
processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical
errors. Make the corrections and save the files to your computer.

Find the posts that you are going to reply

Submit your peer responses.

Please respond to a minimum of two (2)
peers. Include in your response:

Comment on your peers’ practices and
discuss one of their examples of these principles that you find difficult to
demonstrate (for whatever reason).

Consider and discuss ways to overcome this.

Nursing Capstone

Unit 6 Discussion

Information Technology Systems and
Information Literacy


? Always construct your response in a word
processing program like Word.

? Check for grammar, spelling, and
mechanical errors.

? Make the corrections and save the file to
your computer.

? Submit the post.

Professional nurses must demonstrate
competence in the use of information technology systems and possess the
information literacy skills necessary to gather evidence and provide patient
care. Address the following:

? Provide two (2) examples of how
information and healthcare technology has evolved during your nursing practice
career. How does technology impact your interactions with patients and

? What is the role of nurses in supporting
the health literacy of our patients?

Please be sure to validate your opinions
and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40
points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric
to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Peer Response: Unit 6, Due Sunday by 11:59
pm CT

Information Technology Systems and
Information Literacy


? Always construct your responses in a word
processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical
errors. Make the corrections and save the files to your computer.

? Find the posts that you are going to
reply to.

? Submit your peer responses.

Please respond to a minimum of two (2)
peers. Include in your response:

? Comment on your peers’ discussion of the
role of nurses in supporting health literacy.

? Explain some situations in your
experience where you have done this.

? How did your actions align with your
peers’ explanations?

Nursing Capstone

Unit 7 Discussion

Lifelong Learning and Professional


? Always construct your response in a word
processing program like Word.

? Check for grammar, spelling, and
mechanical errors.

? Make the corrections and save the file to
your computer.

? Submit the post.

Lifelong learning and continuous
professional growth are necessary in the current complex healthcare climate.
Address the following in your discussion post:

? What does lifelong learning mean to you?

? What are your plans to build upon your
nursing knowledge?

? Where do you see yourself professionally
in five (5) years? Ten (10) years?

Please be sure to validate your opinions
and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40
points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric
to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Peer Response: Unit 7, Due Sunday by 11:59
pm CT

Lifelong Learning and Professional


? Always construct your responses in a word
processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical
errors. Make the corrections and save the files to your computer.

? Find the posts that you are going to
reply to.

? Submit your peer responses.

Please respond to a minimum of two (2)
peers. Include in your response:

? What do you think healthcare will look
like in the year 2030?

? How might our role as nurses change or
evolve in the next decade?

Nursing Capstone

Unit 8 Discussion


Please respond to the following questions
based upon these course objectives:

Practice using caring, compassionate,
culturally competent, and evidence-based practices in the roles of the
baccalaureate nurse using the nursing process to provide
patient/client-centered care in a variety of healthcare settings.

Use a broad base of techniques to communicate
effectively with clients, families, healthcare teams, and communities.

Use critical thinking and decision making,
local, state, national, and global policies, legislative concepts, and
healthcare economics to affect quality healthcare and the evolving healthcare

Integrate knowledge and skills in nursing
leadership and management, quality improvement, and patient safety, as
required, to provide healthcare.

Integrate knowledge and skills to promote
health and prevent disease across the lifespan and the continuum of healthcare

Practice professionalism, including the
inherent values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social

Formulate a professional ethic that
includes lifelong learning and continuous professional development in an
ever-evolving healthcare environment.

Think critically at a conceptual level and
by using mathematical analysis as well as the scientific method, write and
speak effectively, use basic computer applications, and understand human
behavior in the context of the greater society in a culturally diverse world.

Please answer the following questions with
supporting examples and full explanations.

For each of the learning objectives,
provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.

Explain how the material learned in this
course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional

Provide evidence (citations and references)
to support your statements and opinions. Responses to these questions are due
by Tuesday at noon.

Nursing Capstone

Unit 1

Identification of Capstone Paper Topic


Objective: Throughout this program, you
have examined a variety of leadership and change theories used in nursing
practice, discovered ways to utilize research to provide safe, evidence-based
patient care, and learned about the differences between an associate degree and
a baccalaureate degree.

The purpose of this final Capstone project
is to demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts learned throughout this
degree program.


Identify a health problem, need, or
opportunity for growth in your current practice environment, community, or
another clinical area that you feel may be improved

Topics may include but are not limited to
falls reduction, new policy or procedure, best practice initiative,
communication protocol, new equipment/tool, development of a new process
improvement strategy, hand washing, bedside rounding, prevention initiative,

Additional information or details about
this step

Provide an overview of the issue or problem
and why you feel it is important.

Identify the stakeholders.

Briefly discuss the economic, social and
ethical concerns and implications associated with the practice change.

This paper must be 3-4 pages long.

APA format is required ? including title
page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page.

Must include at least 2 peer-reviewed,
scholarly sources. All sources for this project must be less than 5 years old.

Your final Capstone Paper will be submitted
in Unit 6.

Estimated time to complete: 4 – 6 hours

Nursing Capstone

Unit 2

SWOT Analysis


Create a SWOT analysis of the organization
where you have identified a health problem, need, or opportunity for growth.

Use the unit information to create a SWOT

Then in narrative form, discuss the

What are the organization’s strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?

Based upon the SWOT analysis, draw
conclusions about how you would take advantage of the strengths and
opportunities, and how you might mitigate the weaknesses and threats to make
your proposed change a success.

This paper must be 3-4 pages long.

APA format is required – including title
page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page.

Must include at least two (2)
peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.

Nursing Capstone

Unit 3

Literature Review


Conduct a literature review for your
selected health problem, need, or opportunity for growth.

Analyze the evidence. Does it support your
proposed initiative?

Is more research necessary?

What is the evidence telling you?

Apply the evidence to develop a solution to
your practice problem or need.

APA format is required – including title
page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page.

The paper must include at least six (6)
peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.

Paper should be at least 4 – 5 pages (not
including the title and reference pages).

Nursing Capstone

Unit 4

Leadership Theory


Research and select a leadership theory.

Describe how this leadership style will
underpin your identified health problem, need, or opportunity for growth.

Compare and contrast your selected theory
with at least one other theory.

Describe how you would apply this theory to
your proposed change if you were the project manager.

Apply the evidence to develop a solution to
your practice problem or need.

APA format is required – including title
page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page.

The paper must include at least two (2)
peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.

Paper should be at least 4 – 5 pages.

Nursing Capstone

Unit 5

Change Theory


Research and select a change theory.

Describe how this change theory will help
to underpin your identified health problem, need, or opportunity for growth.

Describe how you would apply this change
theory to your proposed change if you were the project manager.

Be specific and outline the steps you would
take to institute change, including a proposed timeline.

APA format is required – including title
page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page.

The paper must include at least two (2)
peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.

Paper should be at least 4 – 5 pages.

Nursing Capstone

Unit 6

Final Capstone Paper


For this paper, you will put it all
together. Integrate all previous assignments with revisions. Not including
previous instructor-suggested changes will result in a lowered grade. Include:

An opening explaining the purpose of the

An introduction to your chosen problem
(unit 1 paper).

A SWOT analysis (unit 2 paper)

A literature review (unit 3 paper)

Leadership theory used to promote your
change (unit 4 paper)

Change theory applied to your change (unit
5 paper)

New: add a proposal to evaluate the results
of the change, explain what you believe the change will do and how it will
impact the organization.

Do not just cut and paste your previous
papers. Use smooth transitions, edit out each paper?s opening and closing, use
the topics as APA headings, and edit as needed to make this paper flow

APA format is required, with a cover page
and reference page.

The paper must include at least ten (10)
peer-reviewed, scholarly sources (may use references from previous capstone
assessments). All supporting literature is to be published within 3-5 years and
obtained from evidence-based, peer reviewed journals.

Paper should be at least 10 – 15 pages

Submit to ePortfolio under tab #1. The
paper will receive a zero if not submitted to eportfolio.

Nursing Capstone

Unit 7

Final PPT Project


In this assignment, you are given the
opportunity to practice and demonstrate your speaking skills, as you will
create a PPT using your voice. You will put all the puzzle pieces together to
create the Capstone Project Presentation (PPT).

The PPT needs to include your voice. You
may do a voice over PPT presentation or use Screen Cast-o-Matic for your
presentation. Here is the link to the free version: https://screencast-o-matic.com/home.
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Provide a 10-15 slide Voice enhanced PPT
based on your final Capstone paper.

Your presentation should include at least
10-15 slides and contain the following items:

At least 5 references and citations in APA

Introduction, identification of the problem

SWOT analysis as applied to your problem

Literature review of your problem

Leadership theory as applied to your

Change theory as you would apply change to
your problem

Evaluation of your proposed change


References slide

Please submit your completed PPT to :

This assignment submission link

ePortfolio, under tab #2. This project will
receive a zero if not uploaded to eportfolio.

Estimated time to complete:


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