ICHS Statistics Full Course Latest 2018 November (NO Chapter 3 Assignment)



Chapter 1 Discussion

to Statistics

Give a substantive response to the topic in 300 words or
more by day 4 (Wednesday) before midnight.

Respond with a substantive posting of at least 150 words to
your classmate by day 7 (Friday) before midnight, adding information,
clarifying information, or gentle disagreements.

Please remember to put your references at the end of your
discussion using APA format. Please
identify any direct quotes using APA format.

Step 1: Use the Internet or media to find an example of

Step 2: Prepare your discussion posting by answering the

Briefly summarize
your example (if possible include a link to the source)

Classify your
example as either an example of descriptive or inferential statistics

Discuss whether
you think the use of statistics helps you to make an informed decision about
the topic.

Step 3: Post your response on 300 words or more by Wednesday
at 11:55 pm EST.

Step 4: Then read other students’ posts and respond to other
students in 150 words or more by Friday at 11:55 pm EST

Chapter 2 Discussion

of Samples and Populations


Give a substantive response to the topic in 300 words or
more by day 4 (Wednesday) before midnight.

Respond with a substantive posting of at least 150 words to
your classmate by day 7 (Friday) before midnight, adding information,
clarifying information, or gentle disagreements.

Please remember to put your references at the end of your
discussion using APA format. Please
identify any direct quotes using APA format.


As you become more aware of statistics in your everyday
life, you will probably begin to notice when graphs used to illustrate a point
are actually inaccurate. Search for an example of an incorrect graphical representation
in the print media or the Internet.

Step 2 Write about your example of statistics.

Prepare your discussion posting by answering the following:

Briefly summarize
your graph (if possible include a link to the source)

Step 3 Read and respond to other students’ posts.

Read one other students’ posts and respond to it.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support
or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the
issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions

Chapter 3 Discussion

and the Binomial Distribution

Give a substantive response to the topic in 300 words or
more by day 4 (Wednesday) before midnight.

Respond with a substantive posting of at least 150 words to
your classmate by day 7 (Friday) before midnight, adding information,
clarifying information, or gentle disagreements.

Please remember to put your references at the end of your
discussion using APA format. Please
identify any direct quotes using APA format.


L Discuss some basic and commonly used
Probability examples in our daily lives.

Chapter 4 Discussion


Step 1

Give a real-world example.

Offer an example of when you would use a normal curve and
compute z-scores in the real world.

Step 2

Calculate z-Scores.

Using the above example, create raw data in order to
calculate probabilities using the z-score and z-table. Use the Standard Normal
Distribution Table (handout = Standard Normal Distribution Table) for

Post your answers to Steps 1 and 2.

Step 3:

Read and respond to
other students’ posts.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least one of

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support
or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the
issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Chapter 7 Discussion


Give a substantive response to the topic in 300 words or
more by day 4 (Wednesday) before midnight.

Respond with a substantive posting of at least 150 words to
your classmate by day 7 (Friday) before midnight, adding information,
clarifying information, or gentle disagreements.

Please remember to put your references at the end of your
discussion using APA format. Please
identify any direct quotes using APA format.


Step 1 Give a real-world example.

Factories use one-sample t-tests to determine if the quality
of their product is consistent. For example, Frito Lay randomly pulls a sample
of 30 bags of chips from the line, calculates the average weight of the bags
along with the standard deviation, and compares that mean to the weight stated
on the bag (considered the population mean). In this example, Frito Lay would
not want significant differences between the mean weight of the sample and the
population mean. Identify at least three other real world situations in which
we would want to compare a sample mean to a set or population mean.

Step 2 Explain your test and post.

For each situation you listed explain how you would conduct
the test to determine if the sample mean is significantly different from the
population mean.

Post your situations and examples.

Step 3 Read and respond to other students’ posts.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support
or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the
issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Chapter 8 Discussion

of Paired Samples


Step 1:

Post your response to the following question by Wednesday at
11:55 pm EST in 250 words or more.


When can a Mann-Whitney U test be used? Be specific as to
what type of data is necessary

Step 2:

Respond to one of your classmates in 150 words or more by
Friday at 11:55 pm EST.

Chapter 9
Categorical Data One

Give a substantive response to the topic in 300 words or
more by day 4 (Wednesday) before midnight.

Respond with a substantive posting of at least 150 words to
your classmate by day 7 (Friday) before midnight, adding information,
clarifying information, or gentle disagreements.

Please remember to put your references at the end of your
discussion using APA format. Please
identify any direct quotes using APA format.

Topic:Write a small summary explaining the differences
between correlation and the chi-square test for independence. Post your summary
to the discussion forum.List two examples where you would use correlation to
test the relationship between two variables, and two examples where you would
use chi-square to test the relationship.

Chapter 10
Categorical Data One


Give a substantive response to the topic in 300 words or
more by Thursday before midnight.

Respond with a substantive posting of at least 150 words to
your classmate by Saturday before midnight, adding information, clarifying
information, or gentle disagreements.

Please remember to put your references at the end of your
discussion using APA format. Please
identify any direct quotes using APA format.


Step 1Write a summary.

Discuss independence and association for categorical

Step 2 Post examples.

List two examples where you would use different variables.

Step 3 Read and respond to other students’ posts.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least one of

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support
or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the
issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

12 Linear Regression and Correlation


Define terms.

Explain the following terms in your own words in the
discussion forum:



No correlation

Give real-world examples and post.

Offer examples of the following:

Two variables that
you believe would share a positive

Two that you
believe would be negatively correlated

Two that would not
be related at all

Read and respond to
other students’ posts.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least one of
your classmates.

Chapter 1


A paleontologist measured the width( in mm) of the last
upper molar in 36 specimens of the extinct mammal Arcropitithecus rigidus.

1. Identify the variable (s) in the study

2. For each variable tell the type of variable ( e.g.
categorical and ordinal, discrete, etc)

3. Identify the observational unit ( the thing sampled)

4. Determine the sample size.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor
using the dropbox.

Chapter 2

Step 1 Complete the following task.

Organize the following data set in order to see the
frequency of each score.

85 64 27 69 86 95 97 64 65 82 36 85 95

97 86 85 95 90 91 78 75 78 75 85 96

Step 2 Create a frequency distribution table for the data.

Create a table with class intervals, frequency, relative
frequency, cumulative frequency, and cumulative relative frequency for the
given data.

Step 3 Analyze your results.

Write a small summary of your findings, include which class
had the highest frequency and which had the lowest, and the assumptions you
would make based on this data.

Step 4 Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor
using the dropbox.

Chapter 3


Step 1 Answer the following questions.

Define and explain the following terms: independent events,
dependent events, mutually exclusive events.

Give examples of each of the aforementioned events.

What is the probability that a student in a college of 650
students is both a math major and a computer science major (assuming these
events are independent) if there are 72 math majors and 105 computer science

If you draw a queen from a regular deck of cards (without
replacement), what is the probability that the next card you draw will be an

Step 2 Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor
using the dropbox.

Chapter 4


Step 1 Answer the following questions.

Use the Standard Normal Distribution Table for reference
“Standard Normal Distribution Table”

Calculate the z
score for each set of data. Determine who did better on her respective test,
Tonya or Lisa.

Student English

Test Grade z-Score Student Math

Grade z-Score

John 82 Jim 81

Julie 88 Jordan 85

Samuel 90 Saye 79

Tonya 86 Lisa 82

Mean 86.50 81.75

St. Dev. 3.42 2.50

Given the above
information, predict the raw score for a student whose z-score in the Math test
is .98.

Draw a curve and shade the area between z = -1.15 and z =
-1.35. Find the area associated with this section of the curve.

Draw a curve and shade the area between z = -.35 and z =
.35. Find the area associated with this section of the curve.

Draw a curve and shade the area between z = 1.05 and z =
1.55. Find the area associated with this section of the curve.

Draw a curve and shade the area beyond z = 1.30. Find the
area of the curve associated with this section of the curve.

Step 2 Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor
using the dropbox.

Chapter 7

Solve the following problems.

Find solutions to the following problems. Be sure to include
all relevant information for each of the following problems, including
hypotheses, critical value, degrees of freedom, and a statement about

A researcher
hypothesizes that people who listen to music via ear buds have greater hearing
loss than those in the general population. On a standard hearing test, the mean
(?) is 24.75. Higher values indicate better hearing; lower values indicate
greater hearing loss or worse hearing. The researcher gave this same test to a
random sample of 30 individuals who regularly use ear buds. Their average score
on the hearing test is 21.57, s = 3.85. Determine if using ear buds
significantly reduces hearing.

As an industrial
psychologist, you have been hired by a large hospital to automate the admitting
procedure and reduce the admission time. Previously, it took an average of 40
minutes to admit each patient, with a standard deviation of 9 minutes. You
create a new computerized procedure and find that your automated procedure
takes an average of 34.5 minutes for the 35 patients in your pilot study.
Determine if your system significantly reduced admit time.

Dr. Simpson was
surprised to learn that her 28 students get on average 7.2 hours of sleep per
night (s=0.80). She had just read that the national average is 7 hours per
night. Determine if Dr. Simpson’s college students get significantly more sleep
than the national average.

Save and submit your

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor
using the dropbox.

Chapter 8

Step 1: Answer the following questions.

Use The t-Table for reference.

Calculate a 95%
Confidence Interval for the following samples:

=78, N=100, ?=15

=27, N=50, ?=5

= 500, N = 300, s =

= 15, N = 60, s = 7

= 5, N = 75, s = 1.2

Calculate a 99% Confidence Interval for the
following samples:

=320, N=80, ?=50

=505, N=110, ?=75

= 13, N = 40, s = .5

= 27, N = 80, s =

= 43.54, N = 90, s =

Step 2: Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor
using the dropbox.

Chapter 9-10

Solve the following problems.

Find solutions to the following problems. Be sure to include
a statement about significance and complete a Tukey’s HSD when necessary.

Subjects are randomly assigned to one of three specialties
for a 3-month rotation, and at the end of that rotation, they are given a test
that measures moral development. The scores are listed below, where a high score
represents high moral development and a low score represents low moral
development. Determine if there is a significant difference in moral
development among any of the three specialties.

Orthopedics Pediatrics Oncology

77 63 54

84 93 97

66 97 76

44 76 65

59 45 91

40 88 68

28 74 54

= 56.86 = 76.57
= 72.14

Participants were assigned to one of three groups in order
to study short-term memory with three different types of items: words,
non-words, and numbers. Participants were shown a list of items that match
their group type, and then were given a test to see how many items they could
remember. The data is listed below. The researcher wants to know if there is a
significant difference among any of the group means.

Words Non-words Numbers

8 5 6

9 4 6

7 5 5

10 6 7

9 3 5

8 5 6

7 4 7

7 3 7

=8.13 =4.38 =6.13

Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy using the dropbox.

9-10 Assignment

Political Identification and Jealousy Studies

Solve the following problems.

Find solutions to the following problems. Be sure to use the
proper calculations and include a statement about significance.

A researcher is interested in whether there is any
association between political identification and attitude toward a new
government proposal for college tuition assistance for students. Questioning
190 respondents, she obtains the following results:


toward the

proposal Political Identification

Conservative Moderate Liberal TOTAL

FOR 27 35 31 93

AGAINST 23 30 44 97

TOTAL 50 65 75 190

Is the relationship between political identifications and
the attitude toward the proposal significant? Why or why not?

Participants were divided into groups based on their score
on an assessment that measures jealousy. Participants were then divided into
groups based on their gender. The results are listed below. Determine if males
and females differ on their jealousy score.

Male Female Total

Not Jealous 27 38 65

Jealous 45 32 77

Total 72 70 142

Is there a significant relationship between gender and
jealousy? Why or why not?

Save and submit your

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor
using the dropbox.

Chapter 12

Correlation and Regression


Solve the following problems.

Find solutions to the following problems. Be sure to include
a statement about significance and variability between the variables.

In a study of caffeine and stress, college students indicate
how many cups of coffee they drink per day and their stress level on a scale of
1-10. The data appear below:

Number of Cups of Coffee Stress

3 5

2 3

4 3

6 9

5 4

1 2

7 10

3 5

= 3.88 = 5.13

s = 2.03 s = 2.90

Determine the regression equation for predicting stress
level from the amount of coffee per day one consumes.

Predict the stress level for someone who drinks 8 cups of
coffee a day.

Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for
yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor
using the dropbox.

Chapter 2

Question 1

Equal size groups in
a grouped frequency distribution are called:

Question 2

What type of graph is the following?

Question 3

The scores on an exam in history of psychology are shown in
the following frequency distribution. For the distribution, what us the total
number (n) of observations?

Question 4

Which of the following has the highest percentage of the
Distribution of Points in Statistics?

Question 5

The sum of a
cumulative relative frequency distribution is:

Question 6

representations of data are called:

Question 7

Scatter plots are
used to graph which of the following?

Question 8

Bar graphs are used
to illustrate which type of data?

Question 9

Which of the following is the most appropriate way to graph
the following data?

Question 10

Data organized by the
number of each possible observation is a:

Chapter 3

Question 1

The likelihood of the
occurrence of some event is referred to as:

Question 2

In probability,
outcomes are referred to as:

Question 3

In probability, the
set of all possible outcomes is referred to as:

Question 4

Which of the
following rules states that the empirical probability of an event will be close
to its theoretical or actual probability if the experiment is performed

Question 5

Probability can range
from ___ to ___.

Question 6

Events that can occur
together but do not affect the outcome of the other event are called:

Question 7

Calculating the
probability of being male and schizophrenic would mean that we are calculating
the probability of two ___ events.

Question 8

Calculating the
probability that a person drives faster than 80 miles per hour and then has a
car accident would mean that we are calculating the probability of two ___

Question 9

Calculating the
probability that the next animal you see in the zoo is a tiger or a lion means
that we are calculating the probability of two ___ events.

Question 10

Being male or female
is an example of what type of event?

Question 11

Given that there are
35 psychology majors at a campus with 500 students, what is the probability
that the next student you meet is a psychology major?

Question 12

Given that the sample
has 115 boys and 135 girls, calculate the probability of a child being male.

Question 13

Given the following data, calculate the probability of a
child watching either non-educational or educational television on a given day.

Question 14

Given the following data, what is the probability that a
child is both female and white?

Chapter 4

Question 1

Which of the
following is NOT a characteristic of a normal curve?

Question 2

The proportion of the
area under the normal curve that falls between the mean and one standard
deviation above the mean is:

Question 3

The approximate
percentage of the area of the normal curve that falls between two standard
deviations above and below the mean is:

Question 4

The z-distribution
has a mean of ____ and a standard deviation of ___.

Question 5

The smaller the
sample standard deviation, the

Question 6

The standard normal
distribution has is a curve with:

Question 7

Given the following
information about a sample, calculate a z score for a test grade of 91.

= 87, s = 4.01

Question 8

Jane had two tests this week, one in Algebra and one in
English. Her test scores are listed below, along with the class mean and
standard deviation. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Jane’s
performance on these two tests?

Question 9

Using the Standard
Normal Table, determine the proportion of the area under the normal curve that
falls between the mean and z = 1.29.

Question 10

Using the Standard
Normal Table, determine the approximate percentage of the area under the curve
that falls above z = .85.

Chapter 5

Question 1

A study was performed
on green sea turtles inhabiting a certain area.? Time-depth recorders were
deployed on 6 of the 76 captured turtles. The? time-depth recorders allowed the
environmentalists to track the movement of the sea turtles in the area. These 6
turtles had a mean shell length of 51.9 cm and a standard deviation of 6.7 cm.

What assumption about the distribution of shell lengths must
be true in order for the confidence? interval, part a?, to be? valid?

Question 2

It costs you

Do you have sufficient funds to estimate the population mean
for the attribute of interest with a? 95% confidence interval 5 units in?
width? Assume sigma equals 16.

Select the correct choice below and fill in the answer box
to complete your choice.

Question 3

Will a? large-sample
confidence interval be valid if the population from which the sample is taken
is not normally? distributed? Explain.

Choose the correct answer below.

Question 4

A study was performed
on green sea turtles inhabiting a certain area.? Time-depth recorders were
deployed on 6 of the 76 captured turtles. The? time-depth recorders allowed the
environmentalists to track the movement of the sea turtles in the area. These 6
turtles had a mean shell length of 51.9 cm and a standard deviation of 6.7 cm.
Complete parts a and b below.

Use the information on the 6 tracked turtles to? estimate,
with? 99% confidence, the true mean shell length of all green sea turtles in
the area.

left parenthesis nothing comma nothing right parenthesis

?(Round to one decimal place as? needed.)

Question 5

In a sample of 60
stores of a certain? company, 52 violated a scanner accuracy standard. It has
been demonstrated that the conditions for a valid? large-sample confidence
interval for the true proportion of the stores that violate the standard were
not met. Determine the number of stores that must be sampled in order to
estimate the true proportion to within 0.05 with 95?% confidence using the?
large-sample method.

?(Round up to the nearest whole number as? needed)

Question 6

If nothing is known
about? p, 0.5 can be substituted for p in the? sample-size formula for a
population proportion. But when this is? done, the resulting sample size may be
larger than needed. Under what circumstances will using pequals 0.5 in the?
sample-size formula yield a sample size larger than needed to construct a
confidence interval for p with a specified bound and a specified confidence?

Choose the correct choice below.

Question 7

How many degrees of
freedom are associated with a? chi-square sampling distribution for a sample of
size? n?

Question 8

A study was performed
on green sea turtles inhabiting a certain area.? Time-depth recorders were
deployed on 6 of the 76 captured turtles. The? time-depth recorders allowed the
environmentalists to track the movement of the sea turtles in the area. These 6
turtles had a mean shell length of 51.9 cm and a standard deviation of 6.7.

Interpret the result. Choose the correct answer below.

Chapter 7

Question 1

When we reject the
null hypothesis, which of the following is true?

Question 2

A statistical
hypothesis is:

Question 3

Given the following
hypotheses, which statement is correct?

Question 4

In a research study,
tobt = -5.387 and tcrit = 2.145. Which of the following conclusions is true?

Question 5

Failing to reject the
null hypothesis when it should have been rejected is an example of a:

Question 6

When we fail to
reject the null hypothesis, which of the following is true?

Question 7

The hypothesis that
describes what the researcher expects to see happen in the experiment is the:

Question 8

The process of using
sample statistics to test a claim about the value of a population parameter is
referred to as:

Question 9

What is tobt for the
following research study:

= 498

= 513

s = 97

n = 142

Question 10

Hypothesis testing is
a test of the ___ hypothesis.

Chapter 8

Submissions History

Here are your latest answers:

Question 1

The statistic used
for the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test is .

Question 2

Which of the
following statistical tests is most appropriate for analyzing the data from a

one-factor within-subjects design with two treatment
conditions and ordinal measures of

the dependent variable?

Question 3

The Wilcoxon
signed-ranks test is appropriate for analyzing data from a __________design

levels of an independent variable.

Question 4

If the results of a
study using the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test were reported as T = 56 (N = 73), p
< .05, then you would know that the value of Tobs was based on scores.

Question 5

The alternative hypothesis for the Wilcoxon signed-ranks
test is H1: ______

Question 6

To find the value of
Tcrit, you must know______.

Chapter 9 quiz

Question 1

Suppose you ran a chi-square test of
independence on a 2× 2 contingency table.

If the null hypothesis is true for
this chi-square analysis, then you would expect

Question 2

Acme Toy Company prints baseball cards. The
company claims that 30% of the cards are rookies, 60% veterans, and 10% are

Suppose a random sample of 100
cards has 50 rookies, 45 veterans, and 5 All-Stars. Is this consistent with
Acme’s claim? Use a 0.05 level of significance.

What are the steps used to solve
the above problem.

Chapter 10 quiz


Here are your latest answers:

Question 1

The analysis of variance can

Question 2

An experiment with one independent variable
and three or more levels of the independent variable is called a(n)___________

Question 3

Mean square is another term for a

Question 4

The total variation of a subject’s score in a
one-factor between-subjects analysis of variance can be separated into the

Chapter 12 quiz

Question 1

The purpose of a
linear regression line is to _______________.

Question 2

The slope for a
least-squares regression line is defined as the correlation coefficient
multiplied by the ________________.

Question 3

Each time variable X
increases by one unit, variable Y decreases by 1.3 units. Variables X and Y

Question 4

A linear relationship
requires that ________________.

Question 5

The difference
between a predicted and obtained value of Y when using a linear regression line

Question 6

In the equation for a
straight line, “b” represents the ____________.

Question 7

When two scores are
obtained from each subject, a _________distribution is obtained.

Question 8

The direction and
degree of the relationship of two variables are assessed with ____________.

Question 9

Multiple regression
line is assumed to ________________.

Question 10

A correlational study
is designed to _______________.


Question 1

For each of the
following settings (i) identify the variable ( s) in the study. ( ii) for each
variable tell the type of variable ( e.g., categorical and ordinal, discrete,
etc.) ( iii) identify the observational unit ( the thing sampled) , and (iv)
determine the sample size.

A palaeontologist measured the width ( in mm) of the last
upper molar in 36 specimens of the extinct mammal Acropithe

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