MKT301 Module 3 Discussion Latest 2019



Module 3 – Background


Required Reading

Introducing Marketing Textbook:

Creative Commons License 3.0:

John Burnett

Introducing Marketing. Retrieved from

Pub Date: 2011

ISBN 13:

Publisher: BCcampus

Read the following chapter:

8. Communicating to mass markets

Optional Readings

Understanding the Promotional Mix

Definition of IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) by Dr
Yahya Alavi

Marist College: The Importance of Measurement in Integrated
Marketing Communication

Internet Marketing (Electronic Commerce)




Marketing Week

Multimedia Marketing – The Latest Marketing Knowledge

Discussion 3: Marketing for the People!

Marketing for the People!

Organizations often require managers to write short articles
for newsletter or blog publication. Becoming comfortable writing this style of
commentary for a general audience is important in an era in which media can be
authored by anyone. You don?t want to be considered ?fake news.?

Week 1 Discussion Post

Writing for Publication

The focus of your work will be integrated marketing
communication (which includes advertising, public relations, personal selling,
sales promotion, and direct marketing). Research a controversial marketing, advertising,
or public relations scenario/event and provide an overview of it along with
your rationale for wanting write about it in next week?s article.

Don?t write an article this week; that will be next week?s
post after you have received feedback.

This post should be 1-2 paragraphs in length (at least 50
words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the
post and add a reference list in APA format.

Week 1 Interactive Responses to Classmates

1st Interactive Response:

Select one article overview and critique the rationale for
covering it. Ask questions or provide advice that will improve it.

2nd Interactive Response:

Select another article overview and critique the rationale
for covering it. Ask questions or provide advice that will improve it.

Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 50
words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say ?I agree? or ?That
is great,? Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use
research in your responses but it is not required.

Week 2 Discussion Post

Write a 150- to 300-word article that discusses the
real-word marketing incident you brainstormed last week. Today?s consumers of
media want quick, informative, and exciting information. It can be written in
the first or third person.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the
body of the post and add a reference list in APA format.

Week 2 Interactive Responses to Classmates

1st Interactive Response:

Select one article written by a classmate and share your
feelings about the marketing incident.

2nd Interactive Response:

Choose a second classmate?s article and explain what you
would have done in the situation if you were the marketing manager or company

Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 50
words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say ?I agree? or ?That
is great.? Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use
research in your responses but it is not required.

In your own words, respond to the discussion and comments of
classmates. Grades will be based on effectual, concise and interactive
feedback. The excessive use of quotes will directly impact performance since
this indicates a lack of comprehension and shows that you may not have mastered
the concepts.


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