NUR674 Week 4 DQ Leadership in Health Care Systems Practicum

NUR674 Week 4 DQ Leadership in Health Care Systems Practicum NUR674 Week 4 DQ Leadership in Health Care Systems Practicum NUR674 Week 4 DQ Leadership in Health Care Systems Practicum   DQ1When one considers the word love as a verb instead of a feeling, the biblical worldview would state that this loving relationship is related to two principles: honor and protection. Explain how these two principles guide servant leadership in the workplace. DQ2How do servant leaders, as compared with leaders using the transformational model of leadership, manage organization dynamics and lead change to ensure that the continued success of the stakeholders will be served? Is servant leadership or transformational leadership the best approach to these tasks? Why? NUR674 Week 4 DQ Leadership in Health Care Systems Practicum What is servant leadership? Servant leadership is a management style in which you lead by putting the needs of your team first. Servant leaders believe that when their team members feel personally and professionally fulfilled, they produce higher quality work more efficiently and productively. Employee satisfaction and collaboration are important concepts in servant leadership. You can use this leadership style in any type of business, but it is particularly popular within nonprofit organizations. Servant leadership is important in business because it creates a work environment in which employees at all levels of your organization feel respected, appreciated and valued. Businesses that follow a servant leadership philosophy tend to have stronger work cultures with high employee morale and engagement. Related: 15 Leadership Qualities That Make a Great Leader 10 principles of servant leadership Here are the 10 principles of effective servant leadership to help you become a better leader: 1. Listening Effective servant leaders don’t just speak but listen to what their team has to say. They give ample opportunity for all members of the team to be heard and listen carefully to both what is being said and potentially, what is not being said. By gathering observations and insight from all team members, you can understand your opportunities for growth. Related: How To Improve Your Listening Skills Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NUR674 Week 4 DQ Leadership in Health Care Systems Practicum 2. Empathy Effective servant leaders care about their team on a personal level. They understand that when their team feels happy and fulfilled in their personal lives, it contributes to success in their professional life. Because of this, servant leaders make it a priority to show team members they care about them personally and try to help them with personal issues when they can. Read more: How To Be Empathetic in the Workplace 3. Healing Effective servant leaders understand the importance of fixing previous problems before being able to move on to new goals and projects. For example, your team may have suffered a setback last quarter due to a team disagreement. To be able to face the new challenges of this quarter, the team needs to be able to heal and come to an agreement first. Related: Conflict Resolution Skills: Definition and Examples 4. Awareness Effective servant leaders are aware of themselves and their teams. In being self-aware, you need to be able to accept and grow from your own weaknesses. Just as important is that you, as the leader, be aware of your team’s individual strengths and weaknesses to help them grow and learn. Read more: The Importance of Self Awareness in Leadership 5. Persuasion Effective servant leaders guide and persuade team members. Where an authoritarian leader might tell team members what to do, a servant leader tells them why it’s the best method or process. They seek to convince the team as a whole and build a consensus. Related: Persuasion Skills: Definition and Examples 6. Conceptualization Effective servant leaders can think beyond small tasks and communicate larger goals and why they are important to their teams. Read more: How Conceptual Skills Can Make You a Better Leader 7. Foresight Effective servant leaders understand the importance of learning from past mistakes and successes and using lessons learned to productively evaluate present decisions. They help their team do the same. Related: How To Think Critically: 7 Ways To Improve Your Skills 8. Stewardship Effective servant leaders acknowledge and understand the importance of their responsibilities. They protect and uphold the trust and confidence given them in their role and communicate this to their team. As a steward of your company’s assets and goals, you work hard, arrive on time and are dependable. Read more: The Difference Between Accountability and Responsibility 9. Commitment to the growth of people Effective servant leaders motivate their teams to grow. They are committed to helping their teams develop professionally. Servant leaders help their team members become leaders themselves by leading by example and providing their team with opportunities to grow and develop. Related: 20 Leadership Skills That Make a Great Leader 10. Building community Effective servant leaders encourage collaboration and engagement. Servant leaders value the opinions of everyone on their team and encourage them to share those opinions and to actively contribute to the team regularly.   Order Now

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