PSY520 Week 7 Assignment Latest 2018 November



PSY520 Graduate

Week 7 Assignment

MANOVA Project

Directions: Use the following information to complete the
assignment. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment,
solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be
presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style
Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

A researcher randomly assigns 33 subjects to one of three
groups. Group 1 receives technical dietary information interactively from an
on-line website. Group 2 receives the same information from a nurse
practitioner, while Group 3 receives the information from a video tape made by
the same nurse practitioner.

The researcher looked at three different ratings of the
presentation; difficulty, usefulness, and importance to determine if there is a
difference in the modes of presentation. In particular, the researcher is
interested in whether the interactive website is superior because that is the
most cost-effective way of delivering the information.

Group Usefulness Difficulty Importance

1 20 5 18

1 25 9 8

1 23 15 20

1 16 9 22

1 20 6 22

1 28 14 8

1 20 6 13

1 25 8 13

1 24 10 24

1 18 10 20

1 17 9 4

2 28 7 14

2 25 14 5

2 26 9 20

2 19 15 22

2 29 14 12

2 15 6 2

2 29 10 5

2 26 11 1

2 22 5 2

2 15 15 14

2 29 6 4

2 15 6 3

3 22 8 12

3 27 9 14

3 21 10 7

3 17 9 1

3 16 7 12

3 19 9 7

3 23 10 1

3 27 9 5

3 23 9 6

3 16 14 22

1. Run the
appropriate analysis of the data and interpret the results.

2. How could
this study have been done differently? Why or why not would this approach be


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